Statewide workshop to examine renewable energy, efficiency


    LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A March 13-15 workshop in downtown Louisville will focus on discoveries to advance the science of renewable energy and energy efficiency and look at ways to make those energy technologies work in Kentucky.

    The 2011 Kentucky Statewide Workshop in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is expected to attract industry representatives, scientists, policymakers and professionals from energy-related fields and organizations to the Kentucky International Convention Center.

    The University of Louisville’s Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research is sponsoring the meeting, which will encourage collaborations between industries and universities in five main areas:

    — solar energy

    — biofuels

    — energy storage

    — advanced materials

    — energy efficiency and conservation

    Exhibitors will include products or services for promoting energy-efficient buildings and power systems, renewable energy practices and energy policy improvements.

    Registration costs are $300 for industry representatives, $225 for academic representatives and $75 for university students. Exhibitors pay $750, which includes one registration.

    The conference opens with a 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Sunday reception and then runs 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. with 6:30 p.m. banquet Monday and 8 a.m.-noon Tuesday.

    To register online, visit

    A separate $5 sign-up lunch Tuesday, March 15, at the workshop’s end will feature a panel of local entrepreneurs who will discuss commercialization of renewable energy and energy efficiency ideas. To reserve a lunch and spot at that 12:15 p.m. public discussion, also at the Kentucky International Convention Center, e-mail

    For more information, contact Andrew Marsh, 502-852-8597 or, or visit

    Judy Hughes
    Judy Hughes is a senior communications and marketing coordinator for UofL’s Office of Communications and Marketing and associate editor of UofL Magazine. She previously worked in news as a writer and editor for a daily newspaper and The Associated Press.