
    LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The University of Louisville School of Music will hold its 10th annual Faculty Gala Friday, Sept. 13.

    The program will begin at 8 p.m. A reception on the front steps of the School of Music will follow. New music school Dean Christopher Doane will be on hand to meet guests.

    The gala will include performances by the Louisville String Quartet, the Faculty Woodwind and Brass Quintets, the Faculty Jazz Ensemble and The McHugh-Oliphant Duo.

    Also included on the program will be vocalists Edith Davis Tidwell and Daniel Weeks, flautist Kathleen Karr, cellist Paul York with bassist Sidney King, the piano duo of Brenda Kee and Naomi Oliphant, and Duo Colori with guitarist Daniel Boring and soprano Megan Monaghan. Bagpipers Anne Marie de Zeeuw and Larry Frederiksen will entertain on the lawn outside the building starting at 7:30 p.m.

    Tickets are $10 for adults, $6 for senior citizens or current members of the Friends of the School of Music and $4 for students.

    Call Vicki Daugherty at the School of Music, (502) 852-6907, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for tickets or more information.

    John Drees is a 35-year veteran in the Office of Communications and Marketing. As vice president, communications and marketing, he works closely with the president, provost and other senior administrators, oversees the Office of Communications and Marketing, including media relations, marketing and brand, broadcast, social media, internal communication, crisis communication, visitor services and special events and activities. A former sports editor for the Voice Newspapers, he was a regular contributor to a variety of publications, including the Kentucky Sports Report and the Courier-Journal. A poor but enthusiastic golfer, he is an avid Cardinal sports fan. He also loves the Detroit Lions, so pity him.