The epigenome is often described as the “software” that operates our genome. This epigenomic software is installed very early in life at key developmental windows in utero and during early childhood and adolescence. Once installed, it is carried with us into adulthood and acts as a determinant of health and disease throughout our lives.
The research of Cheryl Lyn Walker, PhD, director of the Center for Precision Environmental Health at Baylor College of Medicine, and professor in the Departments of Molecular & Cell Biology, Medicine, and Molecular and Human Genetics, has led to new insights into how the environment molds the epigenome, and how developmental reprogramming introduced by early life exposures can change normal physiology to increase risk for diseases such as obesity and cancer.
Walker will give a talk on what the epigenome can teach us about environmental causes of disease Friday, Sept. 13, at 1 p.m. in the Kosair Charities Clinical and Translational Research Building (KCCTRB), 505 South Hancock Street. at the University of Louisville Health Sciences Center campus.
This keynote lecture is part of the Research!Louisville (R!L) week of events held Sept. 10-13 to showcase health-related research at the Louisville Medical Center.
“We are very pleased to bring in Dr. Cheryl Walker as this year’s keynote speaker. She is an internationally renowned toxicologist who has made seminal contributions to our understanding of epigenetic responses to environmental exposures and how they impact human health,” said Christopher States, PhD, co-chair of R!L, and professor, Department of Pharmacology, University of Louisville.
The R!L line-up features an array of research exhibits, lectures and workshops for professional school students, scholars, faculty, postgraduates and others interested in the biomedical research fields. R!L is sponsored by the University of Louisville and Norton Healthcare.
R!L week and beyond:
Events Sept. 10, 11 and 12 will showcase scientific poster presentations by graduate students, medical and dental students, postdoctoral scholars, research associates, research staff, bioengineering co-op students, PharmDs, residents, fellows, public health students, nursing graduates, NCI-R25 undergraduates, pre-authorized high school research scholars and UofL faculty members. Other speakers have been invited to make presentations; among the highlights:
Rhonda A. Hoffman GEAR Seminar: “Hot Topics for Research 2019.” Presenters are Kelly Willenberg, MBA, BSN, CHRC, CHC, and Michael Roach, JD, of Meade, Roach & Annulis, LLP. The latest revised Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects known as the Common Rule, will be discussed. Wednesday, Sept. 11, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Norton Healthcare Pavilion, Cranmer Auditorium, 315 East Broadway, Lower Level.
UofL School of Nursing Lecture: “Development and Evaluation of an Inter-generational Lifestyle Intervention to Improve Health Outcomes among Low-Income Families.” Presenter is Jiying Ling, PhD, MS, RN, assistant professor at Michigan State University College of Nursing. Wednesday, Sept. 11, noon – 1 p.m., KCCTRB, rooms 101 and 102
UofL Office of Research Integrity Seminar: “Preventing and Detecting Grant Fraud.” Presenter is Les Hollie, assistant inspector general for investigations, Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General. Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2 p.m. – 3 p.m., KCCTRB, rooms 101 and 102
James Graham Brown Cancer Center Seminar: “A Whale of a Tale: Are Whales Resistant to Cancer and Chemical Carcinogens?” UofL researcher John Wise, Sr., PhD, will discuss research as it applies to large animals and cancer. Wednesday, Sept. 11, 3:45 p.m. – 5 p.m., KCCTRB rooms 101 and 102
Research!Louisville Beer with a Scientist lecture is open to the public and will be presented by Sam Cotton, PhD, UofL Kent School of Social Work, on the topic of brain health and Alzheimer’s research. Cotton’s talk begins at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 11, at Holsopple Brewing, 8023 Catherine Lane. A 30-minute presentation will be followed by an informal Q&A session.
Health Sciences Center Office of Diversity and Inclusion presents “Redlining Louisville: The Racist Origins of Real Estate, Planning and Wealth” by well-known community organizer and city planner, Joshua Poe, MA. Thursday, Sept. 12, noon – 1 p.m., KCCTRB, rooms 101 and 102
UofL School of Dentistry presents “Microbiomics, Inflammation and Pathogenicity” with keynote speaker, Gaya Amarasinghe, PhD, Washington University, and short presentations of UofL researchers, Venkatakrishna Jala, PhD, Matt Lawrenz, PhD and Juhi Bagaitkar, PhD, Thursday, Sept. 12, 2 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., KCCTRB, room 124
R!L Awards Ceremony and Keynote Address: Scientific poster winners will be recognized and the keynote address will be delivered by Cheryl Lyn Walker, PhD, on Friday, Sept. 13, 1 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. at the KCCTRB, rooms 101 and 102.
R!L 2019 has extended events on Wednesday, Sept. 18 and Friday, Sept. 27.
Wednesday, Sept. 18: R!L at the Kentucky Science Center (KSC) is a program for 7th-12th grade students with a biomedical interest. This program is made possible by the University of Louisville, Greater Louisville Medical Society and the Louisville Women in Medicine and Science (L-WIMS). It also features the viewing of a livestreamed real-time, open-heart surgery. Location: KSC, 727 West Main Street, Louisville
Friday, Sept. 27: Joint Hospital Nursing Symposium hosted by Baptist Health Louisville at Baptist Health Education Center Auditorium, 4000 Kresge Way, Louisville. Presenter: Nancy M. Albert, PhD, CCNS, CHFN, CCRN, NE-BC, FAHA, FCCM, FHFSA, FAAN, clinical nurse research specialist in Cleveland Clinic’s Kaufman Center for Heart Failure in the Heart and Vascular Institute. Sponsors are Baptist Health Louisville, University of Louisville Hospital, Kentucky One Health, Norton Healthcare, Robley Rex VA Medical Center, Sigma Theta Tau (Iota Gamma, Lambda Psi, and Iota Zeta Chapters).
For additional information, poster abstract booklet and current program of events for the 24th annual Research!Louisville, visit www.researchlouisville.org