All debates begin at 7 p.m. in Bigelow Hall, Miller Information and Technology Center, Belknap Campus. (See building 21 on campus map.)
Dates and confirmed candidates for each event are:
- Oct. 12: 3rd District U.S. Congress, John Yarmuth and Todd Lally
- Oct. 14: Louisville Metro Mayor, Greg Fischer and Hal Heiner
- Oct. 17: Kentucky U.S. Senate, Rand Paul and Jack Conway
All debates are open to the public on a first-come, first-seated basis.
The congressional and mayoral debates will be broadcast live on WHAS-TV’s 11.2 channel (Insight Cable channel 432 in Louisville). The U.S. Senate debate will be broadcast on WHAS-TV’s traditional 11.1 channel (Insight Cable channel 4 in Louisville).
The congressional and senatorial debates also will air nationally on C-SPAN, while the Paul/Conway debate is expected to be simulcast live on Lexington’s WTVQ-TV and Bowling Green’s WBKO-TV.
Moderators for all three debates will be Mark Hebert, UofL’s director of media relations. Hebert will ask questions submitted by the audience and by WHAS-TV viewers via e-mail. WHAS-TV political editor Joe Arnold and Louisville Courier-Journal reporters Joe Gerth or Dan Klepal also will ask questions.
To participate in the debates, candidates must garner at least 5 percent of votes in the most recent WHAS11/Courier-Journal Bluegrass Poll.