“Despicable Me” is the story of the world’s most infamous super villain, who plans to pull off the greatest heist in history — stealing the moon. His efforts are sabotaged when he encounters an even greater challenge: three little girls named Margo, Edith and Agnes.
Cards under the Stars will continue July 15 with “Tangled.” The series will conclude Aug. 5 with “Toy Story 3.”
The films will be shown on the Natural Science lawn next to Grawemeyer Hall on a large inflatable screen. There will be inflatable rides, musical entertainment and other children’s activities before the movies start.
Sodexo, UofL’s dining services provider, will sell food and drinks. Patrons also may bring picnic baskets, coolers and lawn chairs or blankets.
Activities will begin at about 6:30 p.m. Movies will begin at dusk.