Learning more about how researchers can use decision analysis to help them save money and conduct sound research is an important area of study for Steven McCabe, an assistant professor of bioinformatics and biostatistics at the University of Louisville.

From March to July 2012, McCabe will research and exchange knowledge about decision analysis with colleagues in Italy through the Fulbright Program. While there, he also will teach scientific research methodology to graduate students at the University of Siena.

“Dr. McCabe is our second faculty member to receive this honor,” said Richard Clover, dean, UofL School of Public Health and Information Sciences. “These international opportunities allow for faculty career enhancement along with global awareness and collaboration.”

A hand surgeon by practice, McCabe said he also hopes to meet with other surgeons to discuss research related to carpal tunnel syndrome – pressure on a nerve in the wrist that can lead to numbness, tingling, weakness or muscle damage in the hand and fingers.

There is an active, collaborative group in Tuscany studying the condition, he said.

“I am very excited about forming professional relationships and lifelong friendships that could help further our knowledge and make me a better surgeon and teacher,” McCabe said.