A sukkah is a temporary three-sided hut with an open roof used during the weeklong Jewish festival of Sukkot. It commemorates the time the Jewish God provided for the Israelites in the wilderness after they were freed from slavery in Egypt. The tradition is to eat, sleep or otherwise spend time in it.

Students worked on the structure outside of their course work, which is already a very rigorous undertaking, Massey said.

Much of the design, welding and fabrication of the steel structure took place in the shop on the Belknap Campus.

UofL’s Arts and Culture Partnerships Initiative arranged the project. The initiative connects UofL with arts, history and cultural institutions throughout Louisville.

These students worked on the sukkah: Jesse Gibbs, Violine Antoine, Morgan Puckett, Marina Dubinchik, Stephanie La Greca, Jaclyn Darst, Taylor Crush, Jarrod Futscher and Chelsea Neimeier.