His will be one of seven houses featured Oct. 2 on an annual Louisville Solar Tour organized by the Kentucky Solar Energy Society.
Everything except the gas stove and high-efficiency furnace is powered by solar energy gathered by the 18 solar panels he and his wife, Amanda Fuller, had installed at the end of July.
I try to live by example as much as possible, so going solar was just a way for me to ‘get my own house in order’, Mog said. I tell people that renewable energy is a very sensible investment to make in your own home but also in our collective destiny as a society. I wanted to put my money where my mouth is and to show others that, yes, it is possible to tackle the climate crisis in your own backyard.
Mog and Fuller, who works for Breaking New Grounds composting operation, also are installing a solar powered hot water system in the house. The house was built in 1925; they purchased it in December.
The solar additions are a big investment for us … but we’re very committed to living a life with a low carbon footprint, Fuller said.
Mog, who began working at UofL in August 2009, has a doctorate in environmental studies from the University of Wisconsin.
He co-wrote the university’s first Climate Action Plan, a road map for guiding UofL toward climate neutrality by 2050. It came out Sept. 15.