A free morning seminar March 5 at the University of Louisville will focus on the “State of Latinos in Louisville.”
The 9 a.m. to noon event will involve discussions in Bigelow Hall, Miller Information Technology Center, 2315 S. First Street Walk.
Sessions will feature information about Louisville’s Latino population, assessment of the needs and strengths of the emerging community and the start of a process to chart a better future. Speakers will discuss statistics about the local Latino community and address public education before the group divides into panel discussions about issues.
Organizers hope the seminar will be the first of several this year. Although the event is free, participants are asked to register in advance at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/state-of-latinos-sol-in-louisville-tickets-21391864643.
Sponsors at UofL include the Muhammad Ali Institute for Peace and Justice and the Cultural Center’s Hispanic and Latino Initiatives. Community sponsors include La Casita Center, Americana Community Center and Al Día en América newspaper.
For more information, contact Enid Trucios-Haynes, Muhammad Ali Institute interim director, at 502-852-7694 or enid.trucios-haynes@louisville.edu.