Both graduation ceremonies will be May 14 at the KFC Yum! Center. More than 1,600 students are expected to participate.

Organizers decided to have two spring ceremonies shortly after the arena was tapped for winter commencement last December, according to Vice Provost Dale Billingsley. That event was a trial run of sorts for spring commencement, which is more than twice as large.

“After we decided to move the event to the arena, we looked for other ways to improve the program,” Billingsley said. “Getting the students up on stage and into the spotlight is something we’ve wanted to do for years.”

Graduates will be organized by area of study:

10 a.m. – graduates of arts & sciences, dentistry, law, medicine, nursing, public health and engineering

12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. – reception for all students and their families with UofL President James Ramsey

2 p.m. – graduates of business, education, social work and music

Ramsey and 2011 Trustees Award winner John Cumbler, a professor of history, will speak at both events. Student speakers will be Daniel Cameron (law) at the 10 a.m. ceremony and Tracey Walterbusch (education) at the 2 p.m. event.

Students and their guests should enter the KFC Yum! Center through the Main Street entrance. The arena is located on Main between Second and Third streets.