His talk will focus on the archaeologists and adventurers who discovered ancient Egypt, from Napoleon Bonaparte, who plundered much of the country’s treasure, to Howard Carter, who found King Tut’s tomb.

It will be “an Indiana Jones-like tale of high adventure and great discoveries, of tomb robbing and downright villainy,” according to The Liberal Studies Project in UofL’s College of Arts and Sciences, event sponsor.

Now professor emeritus at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Fagan taught archaeology there from 1967 to 2003 before retiring to write full-time. His books include “The Adventure of Archaeology,” “The Great Journey,” “Floods, Famines and Emperors” and “Elixir: A History of Water and Humankind.”

He will speak at 5 p.m. in the University Club Ballroom. Parking is available in the University Club lot and the Floyd Street parking garage.