Blog: Behind the headlines – UofL faculty touching lives


    Like most universities, UofL has its share of negative headlines. But good  news happens every day on UofL’s campuses thanks to our extraordinary faculty and students. They continue to inspire and make a difference in the lives of Louisvillians.  Let me give you two examples:

    • Bioengineering professor Gina Bertocci and her students built a robohand for a 10-year-old boy, Lucas Abraham, whose right hand was stunted at birth  UofL students used 3-D printing and the principles they’d learned in engineering classes to design, mold and manufacture the hand for Lucas who is now a bit of a star in his elementary school class (Video). Lucas’ mom says her son can throw a ball and do things with his right hand that he never thought possible, gaining self-confidence along the way. Bertocci says her students learned compassion and how to deal with people with disabilities while better understanding how their work could change a life.
    • While most of us have heard of glaucoma, few of us (including me) had any idea that glaucoma can strike the eyes of children. If left undetected or untreated, youngsters could go blind by the time they become adults. We watched UofL’s Dr. Rahul Bhola perform surgery on twin teenage  girls, both of whom had glaucoma. Bhola is one of the foremost researchers and surgeons dealing with pediatric glaucoma.

    UofL faculty and students ARE making a difference and those of us on UofL’s campuses are lucky enough to work with them and learn from them every day. And I’m glad we can bring you their stories.


    Mark Hebert
    Following a 28-year career as a radio and television reporter, Mark Hebert joined the University of Louisville as the Director of Media Relations in 2009, serving as the main spokesperson. In 2015, Mark was named Director of Programming and Production. He’s now producing and hosting a radio show about “all things UofL”, overseeing the university’s video and TV productions and promoting UofL’s research operation. Mark is best known for his 22 years as the political and investigative reporter for WHAS-TV in Louisville where he won numerous awards for breaking stories, exposing corruption and objectively covering Kentucky politics. In 2014, Mark was inducted into the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame.