September 7, 2016 Announcements


    Want to know what’s going on at UofL? Visit the UofLNews website for features, videos, photos, announcements, radio segments, and the UofL event calendar. Click here to submit an announcement.


    Here’s what was featured on UofLNews on Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2016:

    • CEHD professor mixes things up with #PhysioRapChallenge. Read more.
    • UofL marks National Pan-Hellenic Council Week with service, social action. Read more.
    • How smart is the spinal cord? Discover how UofL researchers are helping children recover from spinal cord injury. Read more.


    Did You Know?

    UofL offers a new interdisciplinary master’s degree program with a concentration in sustainability. The program is designed to prepare students to address complex regional, state, national and global challenges posed by the intersection of human exponential growth and increasingly limited resources that support society.


    Research Bulletin

    Fifteen University of Louisville faculty received more than $1.6 million in grant awards this week, including a big boost for the Delphi Center. View the grants, amounts and faculty members who received them here.


    Campus-Submitted Announcement List


    1.) Do you Flu Lou? Free flu shots start next week on the Health Science Campus

    2.) Research!Louisville 2016: Call for Judges

    3.) #IAMACCEPTANCE College Tour Campaign features Hakeem Rahim

    4.) Session scheduled: Teach Abroad with CCSA

    5.) LGBT Health Certificate Series – LGBT Health Disparities and Outcomes


    6.) Speed School Bioengineering Dept. Seminar Series focuses on ocular oncology

    7.) Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Inaugural Annual Allan Tasman, MD, Lecture

    Training and Workshops

    8.) Lab Safety and Hazardous Waste training with Radiation Safety Orientation

    9.) Wow! Wonders of Water Workshop scheduled


    10.) Research subjects needed for NASA/KSGC project

    Grand Rounds

    11.) Endocrinology Grand Rounds

    12.) Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds

    13.) Medicine Grand Rounds: Dr. Gregory Hood


    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    1.) Do you Flu Lou? Free flu shots start next week on the Health Science Campus

    The first flu shot clinic will be on Monday, Sept. 12 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Abell Administration Building, Room 110. Students, faculty, and staff can get free flu shots through Campus Health Services ($5 for retirees). A full schedule and a consent form are available online. Download, print and complete the consent form for the fastest service. You must have your UofL ID with you to get a free flu shot. Get a flu shot and get a treat.


    2.) Research!Louisville 2016: Call for Judges

    October 11-14 Kosair Charities Clinical & Translational Research Building, Health Sciences Center
    Faculty and post-docs are needed to judge posters at Research!Louisville. Sign up for judging online.

    Additional Information: Anne Noe, 852-2553


    3.) #IAMACCEPTANCE College Tour Campaign features Hakeem Rahim

    September 7, 6:30-8 p.m., Strickler Hall’s Middleton Auditorium, 101; Free

    Join the UofL #IAMACCEPTANCE College Tour Campaign featuring nationally recognized speaker, advocate and educator, Hakeem Rahim. The is a CARDS event, remember to swipe in at the door. Rahim will share the message that it’s OK to talk about what you are going through, there is no shame in seeking help, there is hope if you are diagnosed with a mental illness. Cards SPEAK, Kognito challenge, and RSO Information tables will be in the lobby.

    Additional Information: Tracie Meyer, 852-5787, website


    4.) Session scheduled: Teach Abroad with CCSA

    September 7, 4-6 p.m., Room 216, Humanities Building, Belknap Campus

    This session is intended for any Faculty that are interested in teaching a short-term program in countries such as Australia, England, Ireland, Scotland, or South Africa during winter and/or summer break.

    Additional Information: Robert Bedard, website


    5.) LGBT Health Certificate Series – LGBT Health Disparities and Outcomes

    September 20, noon to 1 p.m., Room B215. Medical Instructional Building, HSC; Free

    Attend the second session of the series, where we will provide an overview of major health and legal barriers affecting LGBT and DSD-affected populations. All are welcome to attend, whether you plan to complete the Certificate or not. RSVP online.

    Additional Information: Chaz Briscoe, 852-2109



    6.) Speed School Bioengineering Dept. Seminar Series focuses on ocular oncology

    Sept. 8, 12-1:30 p.m., Vogt Building, Room 311

    Dr. Aparna Ramasubramanian, assistant professor of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Oncology at UofL, will discuss the bioengineering applications in ocular oncology and future trends to advance the field. Ocular oncology is a subspecialty that deals with primary and secondary eye cancers. Retinoblastoma is the most common primary intraocular tumor in children and melanoma is the most common primary intraocular tumor in adults.

    Additional Information: Nancy Hansford


    7.) Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Inaugural Annual Allan Tasman, MD, Lecture

    September 8, 12-1 p.m., ACB Auditorium; Free

    Michelle Riba, MD, MS, Professor, Department of Psychiatry at University of Michigan, will present, “The Doctor-Patient Relationship.” Dr. Riba will review the concepts of the doctor-patient relationship, identify some obstacles and outline ways to strengthen professionalism.

    Additional Information: Email

    Training and Workshops

    8.) Lab Safety and Hazardous Waste training with Radiation Safety Orientation

    September 8, 9 a.m. to noon, Ekstrom Library, W104, Belknap Campus; Free

    Recently hired lab employees who work with chemicals should attend the Lab Safety/Hazardous Waste session, 9 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Recurrent training for lab employees is required every three years and may be completed in BioRAFT (online refresher training). Individuals who will work with or around radioactive materials should attend the Radiation Safety Orientation session, which is from 11:15 a.m. to noon. Bring employee/student ID number to sign in.

    Additional Information: Cathy Price, 852-2956


    9.) Wow! Wonders of Water Workshop scheduled

    September 17, 10 a.m. to noon or 12:30-2:30 p.m., Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium; UofL rate: $12/scout; $3/adult

    Brownies plunge into fun while exploring how precious water is to life on Earth. A virtual trip through our celestial neighborhood highlights how unique our planet is and why we need to protect this priceless resource. Sampling water-filled foods, making rainbows and other activities support the journey to earn the “It’s Your Planet, Love It!” badge.

    Additional Information: Website, email, 852-6665



    10.) Research subjects needed for NASA/KSGC project

    6 a.m., East 105L Student Activities Center

    Researchers with the UofL Exercise Physiology Program are seeking subjects for a project funded by NASA/Kentucky Space Grant Consortium. The project will assess muscle and bone changes resulting from a 10-week exercise program done on a novel prototype machine that provides resistance without the customary requirement of gravity to operate. As part of their project involvement, subjects who complete the program will receive two free total-body bone scans.

    Additional Information: Interested parties should contact John Caruso, 852-6648


    Grand Rounds

    11.) Endocrinology Grand Rounds

    September 7, 4 p.m., Baxter II Research Building, lower level, Room 038

    Please join us as Diane Donegan, MD, Clinical Investigator Track and Fellow, Department of Endocrinology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN, presents, “Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein – A: Does it play a role in Diabetic Nephropathy?”

    Additional Information: Kelly Galiette, 852-5237

    12.) Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds

    September 7, noon to 1 p.m. Jewish Rudd Heart & Lung Center – 16th Floor, Great Halls I & II; Free

    First speaker for the academic year, featuring Lorrel Brown, MD, assistant professor; associate program director; cardiology fellowship; co-director, M2 cardiovascular curriculum; physician champion for resuscitation at the University of Louisville, School of Medicine. Dr. Brown will present “Cardiac Arrest – Can Education Improve Outcomes.”

    Additional Information: Monica Sivori, 852-1162, website


    13.) Medicine Grand Rounds: Dr. Gregory Hood

    September 8, 8 a.m., Ambulatory Care Building auditorium

    Medicine Grand Rounds features Gregory A. Hood, MD, MACP, Medical Director, Quality Independent Physicians and Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. Dr. Hood will present “Narcotics in Kentucky: Past, Present and Future,” focusing on the history of narcotic prescribing in the Commonwealth, Logistics and consequences of narcotic prescribing, and appropriate communication and engagement tools.

    Additional Information: Jason Puckett, 852-1825

    Direct questions about UofL Today to Alicia Kelso, 852-2670, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    Submit an announcement


    Alicia Kelso
    Alicia Kelso is the director of social media and digital content. She joined UofL in 2015 as director of communications at the Brandeis School of Law. She also serves as a senior contributor at, writing about the restaurant industry, which she has covered since 2010. Her work has been featured in publications around the world, including NPR, Bloomberg, The Seattle Times, Good Morning America and Franchise Asia Magazine.