Oct. 23, 2015 Announcements


    Welcome to the UofL Today email! Want to know more about what is going on at UofL? Visit UofL Today online for articles, videos, photos, campus-submitted announcements and the UofL event calendar. Want to submit an announcement? Click here.



    Here’s what was posted to UofL Today on Oct. 22, 2015:


    ·       PHOTOS: “Polaroid Stories” opening night, Red to be Fed and Matt & Kim concert. View here.

    ·       LGBTQ activist wins state archiving service award. Read more.






    The Corn Island Storytelling Festival is named after Louisville’s first settlement, a tiny island that today lies beneath the Ohio River just off the Belvedere. The festival was a nationally known autumn fixture in Louisville for three decades before ending its run in 2007. UofL and the International Order of E.A.R.S. revived it in 2012. Tonight’s Corn Island Storytelling Festival event at UofL begins at 6 p.m. (see event listing below).




    Campus-Submitted Announcement List



    1.) Annual Corn Island Storytelling Festival is tonight at UofL

    2.) UofL Homecoming Parade is tonight

    3.) Walk to Victory Over Paralysis

    4.) Conference: Social Documentary through the Mysteries of Portraiture

    5.) Submit Your WinterFEST 2016 events

    Sustainability Week

    6.) Wrap up Sustainability Week in style


    7.) Events for Oct. 29-30

    Health and Wellness

    8.) Attend a W.O.W. with a Trainer Saturday session


    9.) Next Month: Providing Excellent Customer Service workshop


    10.) Ekstrom Library Learning Commons sneak preview is next week

    11.) Reminder: Cap and Gown ordering for December 2015 Commencement

    12.) Try the new Tapingo app for on campus dining

    13.) HSC Lunch Shared Services Lunch & Learns

    14.) Sunday’s Making Strides for Breast Cancer will close streets around HSC

    15.) MPH Information Session – Belknap


    16.) ‘Disrupting Injustice: Implicit Bias and Structural Change’

    17.) Oral Biology 605: Oral Health Seminars

    18.) Biology Seminar Series

    19.) Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology




    Campus-Submitted Announcements



    1.) Annual Corn Island Storytelling Festival is tonight at UofL

    Oct. 23, 6 to 10 p.m., Lutz Hall Lawn


    UofL, Blackacre Historic Homestead and the International Order of E.A.R.S. present the Corn Island Storytelling Festival Oct. 23-24. The Oct. 23 date is at UofL and is free and open to the public. A fall festival for children runs 6 to 7:30 p.m. with crafts, games and a native American drum circle. Storytelling begins at 7 p.m. Concessions will be available for purchase from Boss Hog’s BBQ. Sponsors include Fifth Third, Louisville Metro Government, Vice Provost for Diversity and International Affairs and Kentucky Homefront.

    Additional Information: Brandy Warren, 852-8025. See calendar for additional information about the free Oct. 23 event at UofL. For information on the ticketed event Oct. 24 at Blackacre Historic Homestead, which will also feature storytellers and kids activities, go here

    2.) UofL Homecoming Parade is tonight

    Oct. 23, starts at 6 p.m.

    The UofL Homecoming Parade tradition continues TODAY at 6 p.m. Don’t miss this family-friendly event, beginning at Cardinal Blvd. and 3rd Street. Parking is available at the 3rd Street staff lot and optimal viewing is on 3rd Street at Grawemeyer Hall. You will see the UofL Marching Band, Cardinal Bird mascot, Greek organization floats, community groups, spirit squads, homecoming court, and more. Bring your friends, family, kids and coworkers and see you there! Questions? Contact elise.buck@louisville.edu


    3.) Walk to Victory Over Paralysis

    Oct. 24, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Frazier Rehabilitation, 11th Floor Gym

    Free; donations encouraged

    Susan Harkema, PhD, and her research team with the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation’s NeuroRecovery Network hold the Annual Team Reeve Walk to Victory Over Paralysis step-a-thon. Ten sites will work with former and current patients to raise money, awareness and camaraderie in this national fundraising effort. Come to the 11th floor of Frazier Rehab to show your support for those living with paralysis and help us find a cure. Visit https://victoryoverparalysis.org/walk-to-victory/.

    Additional Information: Alice Kennedy, Miranda Garvin.


    4.) Conference: Social Documentary through the Mysteries of Portraiture

    Oct. 23, 9 a.m. to noon, Schneider Hall

    Free and open to the public

    An oral history expert who co-wrote a book with noted social documentarian Milton Rogovin will be the keynote speaker at a UofL conference about the photographer’s work against a backdrop of his photos. “Milton Rogovin and the Photography of Conscience” will begin with an 8:30 a.m. with continental breakfast and continue with Frisch’s talk and panel discussions until noon in the Hite Art Institute’s Belknap Gallery in Schneider Hall.

    Additional Information: Renée K. Murphy, 502-852-6794


    5.) Submit Your WinterFEST 2016 events

    First Year Initiatives is working on WinterFest 2016! WF welcomes our new and returning students to campus for the spring semester. This year, WF will be Jan. 6 – 24. If you want to submit any events your office/dept./program is holding during those three weeks, please fill out the event submission form. The deadline for submitting your events is Nov. 16. Contact Shelley Tewell (852-3125) if you have questions.


    Sustainability Week

    6.) Wrap up Sustainability Week in style

    Our week of responsible stewardship concludes today with a conference on Milton Rogovin & the Photography of Conscience (9am-Noon Schneider), a Farm-to-Table Dinner (5-8pm Ville Grill), & the UofL Sustainability Float in the Homecoming Parade (6pm 3rd St.). Before Saturday’s Homecoming Game, check out the 10am All-Star A&S Alumni Panel on Going Local (Planetarium). Wrap it up Sunday by volunteering with UofL Composting (12pm 200 E. Bloom St.) & join the WasteStock Challenge (2pm U. Club).

    Full schedule for Sustainability Week: http://louisville.edu/sustainability/events.html



    7.) Events for Oct. 29-30

    Thursday, October 29

    8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.

    R!L Presents Nursing Symposium:

    GEAR Session:  Billing Compliance Update

    This symposium will be an update on what is happening in clinical trial billing compliance.  How are payer issues being addressed?  What is happening with cooperative group research?  Speakers are Kelly Willenberg, MBA, BSN, CHRC, CHC of Kelly Willenberg, LLC, and Ryan Meade, JD, CHRC of Loyola University Chicago School of Law and Aegis Compliance & Ethics Center, LLP.  Registration required.

    Norton Healthcare Pavilion, Cranmer Auditorium lower level, 315 E. Broadway.

    Contact:  Holly Horn at (502) 629-3501 or www.nortonhealthcare.com/gear


    9:00 a.m. – Noon

    Research!Louisville Highlights Faculty Research

    UofL faculty display research results. 

    Kosair Charities Clinical and Translational Research Building Lobby

    Contact:  Anne Noe (502) 852-2553 or www.researchlouisville.org


    10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

    Research!Louisville Presents  Innovation at UofL: Introduction of the UofL Offices, People and Services to Help Commercialize Research Discoveries

    This session will introduce teams who help commercialize new innovations and discovers.  Topics include the research disclosure process and the methods used to protect intellectual property.  Strategies to commercialize UofL innovations, from working with established companies to starting new companies, will be discussed.  UofL’s “trifecta” of translational funding opportunities will be presented: The Coulter Translational Partnership; I-CORPS, and REACH ExCITE Hub Program.

    Kosair Charities Clinical and Translational Research Building 124

    Contact Holly Clark (502) 852-2965 or hsclar01@louisville.edu or www.researchlouisville.org


    Friday, October 30

    8:30– 11 a.m. 

    R!L Presents “Ethical Considerations in the Management of Research Data: Before, During and After the Project”

    Elizabeth Heitman, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society, will discuss the cultural and religious aspects of medicine, biomedical science and public health, particularly with respect to education and community experience.  Her primary research addresses the evaluation of education in research ethics and the responsible conduct of research (RCR), and the cultural awareness of professional socialization of students and researchers.

    Kosair Charities Clinical and Translational Research Building 124

    Contact: Carla Jones (502) 852-8430 or cyjone01@louisville.edu or www.researchlouisville.org


    1 p.m.

    Research!Louisville 2015 Wraps Up with Awards Ceremony and Keynote Address


    R!L wraps up its 20th year of celebrating health sciences related research at the Louisville Medical Center.  An awards ceremony and keynote address will begin at 1 p.m.  Join in the celebration and congratulate this year’s winners.  Keynote speaker Clay B. Marsh, M.D., West Virginia University, will focus on issues uncovered in the asymmetry of complex systems that can lead to the novel design of new healthcare systems that both learn from and meet the needs of our customers.  CME Credit will be offered.  Reception to follow.

    Kosair Charities Clinical and Translational Research Building 101/102

    Contact: Bonnie Dean at (502) 852-2647 or bonnie.dean@louisville.edu or www.researchlouisville.org


    Health and Wellness

    8.) Attend a W.O.W. with a Trainer Saturday session

    Saturdays, 1 to 1:30 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym

    Free for GHN Wellness Center members

    Ready to recommit to a fitness routine or looking for that added accountability to make your morning workouts happen on the regular? Start your Saturday workout routine with GHN W.O.W. with a Trainer, which includes personal support from one of our professionally certified fitness specialists. Stop by during this time for individualized support, answers to your fitness questions and inspiring motivation from your Get Healthy Now team.

    Additional Information: Check out our entire album of WOWs on our Facebook page; group fitness schedule; website; ghn@louisville.edu; 852-7755.



    9.) Next Month: Providing Excellent Customer Service workshop

    Nov. 18, 1 to 2:30 p.m., Human Resources Building, Room 103A

    Everyone’s idea of excellent customer service is a little different, so how do you make sure that everyone in your organization is on the same page? This workshop will explore the categories of customers you serve and create a clear and compelling picture of what excellent customer service means. Participants will learn strategies for dealing with customers and ensuring an outstanding experience while having fun and learning more about each other and their customers! Register online now!

    Additional Information: staffdev@louisville.edu



    10.) Ekstrom Library Learning Commons sneak preview is next week

    Oct. 28, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., 1st floor, Ekstrom Library

    Ekstrom Library Learning Commons will be hosting a “sneak preview” for students and interested faculty and staff. Come and see the redesigned spaces and meet the staff who will support your students as they complete academic assignments involving research, writing, or digital media projects. We want to let students know that even though our new spaces aren’t completely finished, we are still available to help.

    Additional Information: http://louisville.edu/library/ekstrom/


    11.) Reminder: Cap and Gown ordering for December 2015 Commencement

    The deadline to order apparel for faculty and students is Saturday, October 31, at midnight. Graduation participants should visit the commencement website for information on the ceremony and to place a cap and gown order.

    Additional Information: commence@louisville.edu; (502) 852-6528.


    12.) Try the new Tapingo app for on campus dining

    Tapingo is a mobile ordering app that allows students, faculty and staff to order from select dining venues on campus, pay for the order and go pick it up. No more waiting in line to order, then waiting again for your food to be prepared. Skip the line with Tapingo! Currently available: McAlister’s, Einstein’s, Cardinal Burger Company, Sub Hub, Zime and Papa John’s delivery. Customers can use a credit card or Cardinal Card funds (flex points, Cardinal Cash or meal swipes). Tapingo is also the ordering platform for food trucks on campus.


    13.) HSC Lunch Shared Services Lunch & Learns

    Thank you so much for your continued interest in the HSC Shared Services Lunch & Learns. There has been an overwhelming interest in these events which causes them to book up in a very short time period. We will be holding additional Lunch & Learn sessions in the coming weeks, so please be on the lookout for additional communications regarding these events. Thank you again for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you at the Lunch & Learns in the future.


    14.) Sunday’s Making Strides for Breast Cancer will close streets around HSC

    For a list of streets, visit https://louisvilleky.gov/government/public-works/services/road-and-street-closures.


    15.) MPH Information Session – Belknap

    Oct. 27, noon to 1 p.m., Ekstrom Library, W210

    Free session and free lunch for those who RSVP

    The School of Public Health and Information Sciences will host an Information Session for undergraduate, graduate, professional and medical students to learn what the Master of Public Health program has to offer in Bioinformatics & Biostatistics, Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, Epidemiology & Population Health, Health Management & System Sciences, and Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences. RSVP by 10/23 to sphismph@louisville.edu

    Additional Information: sphismph@louisville.edu; 852-6263.



    16.) ‘Disrupting Injustice: Implicit Bias and Structural Change’

    Oct. 23, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library

    Free and open to the public

    Philosophy Department presents Dr. Sally Haslanger, Ford Professor of Philosophy and Women’s and Gender Studies at MIT. Dr. Haslanger’s talk title is “Disrupting Injustice: Implicit Bias and Structural Change.”


    17.) Oral Biology 605: Oral Health Seminars

    Oct. 23, 11:50 a.m. to 1 p.m., Dental School, room 119

    Using Streptococcus mutans as a model organism to explore emerging concepts in prokaryotic gene regulation,” by Dr. Justin Merritt, associate professor, Oregon Health and Science University Department of Restorative Dentistry.

    Additional Information: g0buon01@louisville.edu


    18.) Biology Seminar Series

    Oct. 23, noon, Shumaker Research Building, Room 139

    The Biology Seminar Series is pleased to announce a presentation by Dr. Tony Stallins of University of Kentucky. Dr. Stallins’ talk is titled Barrier island dune state space and discontinuities in topography and vegetation.

    Additional Information: Judy Felli, 852-8263.


    19.) Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology

    Oct. 23, noon to 1 p.m., Fred Roisen Conference Room (Tower 916)

    ASNB Fall Seminar Series Presents: Beerend Winkelman, Phd, Research Scientist Netherlands Institute of Neuroscience The Expected and Unexpected Flocculus

    Additional Information: Matt Guido, 852-6227.



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    Submit an announcement