Here’s what was posted to UofL Today on Nov. 7, 2014:
· Madisonville UofL campus wins rural health care award. Read more.
· Major gift will help five Louisville-area schools. Read more.
· Faculty Senate Meeting Overview Nov. 2014. Read more.
UofL has been named a Military Friendly School for 2015 by “G.I. Jobs,” a monthly magazine designed to help veterans make the transition from military service to the civilian workforce. UofL has made the magazine’s list five years in a row.
Campus-Submitted Announcement List
1.) UofL celebrates Veterans Day
2.) Celebrate 90-plus years of cooperation between Kosair Charities and UofL
3.) Parking and street closures announced for Veterans Day Parade
4.) Conversations With Champions will feature D. Wayne Lukas
5.) Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an: Islam and the Founders
6.) Family Fun: Laser Holiday Party
7.) Enjoy a Dr. Who Christmas
Human Resources
8.) Come to the process improvement workshop
9.) Develop your strengths with Strengthsfinder 2.0
10.) Women’s basketball is less than one week away
11.) Lab safety and hazardous waste training with radiation safety orientation
12.) Come to the Choosing a Telescope Workshop
13.) PLAN hosts workshop on large-scale writing projects, such as dissertations and theses
14.) PLAN hosts event for part-time graduate students
15.) PLAN offers workshop on EndNote Citation Management software
16.) Info session scheduled on student immigration regulations
17.) The Early Learning Campus participates in Kroger Community Rewards Program
18.) CGeMM
19.) Biochemistry
20.) From Freedom Summer to Ferguson: Why we need a new culture of belonging
21.) Graduate Student Council hosts Graduate Research Symposium
Campus-Submitted Announcements
1.) UofL celebrates Veterans Day
Nov. 11, 11:30 a.m. Red Barn
UofL’s Office of Military and Veteran Student Services will offer a Veterans Day program and free lunch. An Army color guard will open the event and President James Ramsey will speak. All faculty, staff and students are invited. In addition, all UofL dining venues are offering a 10 percent discount to all veterans and active military, including ROTC students, who show any form of military ID.
Additional Information: Kristen Roy, 852-2482. Website.
2.) Celebrate 90-plus years of cooperation between Kosair Charities and UofL
Nov. 11, 11:30 to 1 p.m., Sam Swope Kosair Charities Centre, 982 Eastern Parkway
Please join Kosair Charities in a celebration of 90-plus years of partnering with the University of Louisville in service to Kosair Kids. Kosair Charities invites the UofL faculty and staff to UofL Cares Day. This “Open House” event will include a complimentary light lunch, door prizes (bring your business card), campus tours and lots of opportunities to learn more about Kosair Charities and our campus partners—including UofL pediatrics, pediatric dentistry, and the UofL Autism Center.
Additional Information: Email your reservation to
3.) Parking and street closures announced for Veterans Day Parade
Nov. 11, parade begins at 11 a.m. at 4th and Chestnut
Street closures: 9 to 11:30 a.m., Chestnut from Fourth to Fifth; 9 a.m. to noon, Fourth Street from alley north of Broadway and the Brown Hotel to Chestnut; 10:30 a.m. to noon, Fourth Street from Chestnut to Main; 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Main Street from Fourth Street to Sixth Street. No parking areas: 8:30 a.m. to noon, Fourth Street from alley north of Broadway to the Brown Hotel to Main; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Main from Third to Sixth.
4.) Conversations With Champions will feature D. Wayne Lukas
Nov. 18, 7 p.m., College of Business, Horn Auditorium
Free, but reservations required; open to the public
The thrills, challenges and future of horseracing will be among the topics discussed during a University of Louisville Conversations With Champions event with thoroughbred trainer D. Wayne Lukas. The program will be moderated by sports journalist, author and adjunct faculty member Billy Reed.
Additional Information: Registration site.
5.) Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an: Islam and the Founders
Nov. 11, 6 to 7 p.m. Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library
Free, open to the public
In the fourth talk of the McConnell Center’s “Debating America” lecture series, Denise Spellberg, PhD, will explore a little-known dimension of American religious freedom. Spellberg will discuss how Thomas Jefferson’s life-long interest in Islam helped shape conversations about whether the founders should establish a Protestant nation, as was being considered at the nation’s founding. Spellberg is a history professor at the University of Texas at Austin.
Additional Information: Calendar; GlyptusAnn Grider Jones, 852-3158.
6.) Family Fun: Laser Holiday Party
Dec. 6, 1 to 4 p.m., Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium
Holiday revelers have a blast at our annual family Laser Holidays party. Kids enjoy treats while playing holiday-themed games and the whole family jingles out to favorite holiday songs in our Laser Holidays music show. No free admits or coupons.
Additional Information: Website,, 852-6665.
7.) Enjoy a Dr. Who Christmas
Dec, 6, 9 p.m., Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium
Free for UofL staff, faculty and students
UofL Dr. Who fans can kick off the holiday season with a British invasion at the planetarium. The Dr. Who Christmas Specials “The Christmas Invasion,” “The Runaway Bride” and “Voyage of the Damned” are the evening’s show lineup. Open to UofL staff, faculty and students. Doors open at 8:45 p.m. No advance reservations.
Additional Information: Website., 852-6665.
Human Resources
8.) Come to the process improvement workshop
Nov. 11, 9:30 a.m., Human Resources 103A
Ever wonder if there is a better way of completing routine work tasks? Are the tasks even necessary or is it just the way things have always been done so no one questions them? Some tasks are necessary evils of the job, but others can be streamlined, condensed, or completely changed to make life simpler at work. Join us for a 90-minute workshop on asking detailed questions to help you evaluate and improve your current processes.
Additional Information: Registration. Questions,
9.) Develop your strengths with Strengthsfinder 2.0
Nov. 12, 1:30 p.m., Human Resources 103A
Do you spend more time working to fix your shortcomings than you do developing your strengths? Learn how to identify your strengths and leverage them to become a happier, more productive and more successful person. This assessment and workshop provides participants with an opportunity to identify their top five strengths and learn strategies for incorporating more of where they naturally excel into their lives at work and at home.
Additional Information: Registration. Questions,
10.) Women’s basketball is less than one week away
First home game is Nov. 16 at KFC Yum! Center
Five-game Sunday-Funday Mini-Plan only $8 per game (lower level seating) for Kentucky, Virginia, Miami (FL), Pittsburgh and North Carolina; full season tickets for only $85 (lower level).
Additional Information: To order, contact John Anderson, 852-8544.
11.) Lab safety and hazardous waste training with radiation safety orientation
Nov. 13, 9 a.m. to noon, Donald Baxter I, Auditorium
Recently hired lab employees who work with chemicals should attend the Lab Safety/Hazardous Waste session, 9 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. Recurrent training for lab employees is required every three years. Individuals who will work with or around radioactive materials should attend the Radiation Safety Orientation session, which is from 11:15 a.m. to noon. Bring employee/student ID number to sign in.
Additional Information: Cathy Price, 852-2956.
12.) Come to the Choosing a Telescope Workshop
Nov. 14, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium
Trying to figure out what to get that special someone for the holidays? Stop by this FREE telescope workshop to get tips from members of the Louisville Astronomical Society on choosing a telescope. Stay around for our 8 p.m. live Skies Over Louisville presentation to learn what you can see in the current night sky (UofL affiliates get BOGO admission rate of $5/free to members). If weather permits, telescopes will be set up in the courtyard afterward for you to practice what you’ve learned.
Additional Information: Website,
13.) PLAN hosts workshop on large-scale writing projects, such as dissertations and theses
Nov. 14, 2 to 3 p.m., Houchens, Room 105
Writing a dissertation or thesis can seem daunting and raises questions about structure, organization, as well as simply how best to get started. This workshop will offer strategies for how to approach a large-scale writing project and will offer suggestions and tips for getting started on your project, making consistent progress, working with committee member comments, and staying motivated. Grad students interested in attending can register and find more info on the PLAN website.
Additional Information: Calendar page.
14.) PLAN hosts event for part-time graduate students
Nov. 13, 4 to 6 p.m., Houchens, Room 105
Each year, the School of Interdisciplinary and Graduate Studies seeks out the opinions of different groups of students to refine the PLAN program. This year’s focus group seeks out part-time grad students from across all disciplines. If you are, have been, or will be a part-time grad student, please join us to give feedback about how to best meet the needs of part-time grad students. Grad students interested in attending can register and find more info on the PLAN website.
Additional Information: Calendar page.
15.) PLAN offers workshop on EndNote Citation Management software
Nov. 11, noon to 1:30 p.m., Houchens, Room 105
This workshop introduces students, staff, and faculty to EndNote Citation Management software for Windows and Apple computers. Attendees will learn how to create their own electronic libraries, organize and customize their citations, and retrieve bibliographic citations from electronic databases. Grad students interested in attending can register and find more info on the PLAN website.
Additional Information: Calendar page.
15.) Info session scheduled on student immigration regulations
Nov. 21, noon to 1 p.m., International Center, Brodschi Hall,
The International Center’s Student and Scholar Services Office invites faculty and staff to an information and discussion on immigration regulations and university policies on international students and scholars (F and J visa holders) in honor of International Education Week. The session is designed for UofL faculty and staff to learn about admission and enrollment requirements, employment benefits, travel regulations as well as cultural and adjustment issues of international students.
Additional Information: RSVP or for more information, Ashley Gray-Ziba,, 852-0019.
17.) The Early Learning Campus participates in Kroger Community Rewards Program
The Early Learning Campus (ELC) participates in the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Support the Early Learning Campus by registering your Kroger Plus card.
Additional Information: To register, click here. The ELC’s reference number is 94361 or simply type in the Early Learning Campus.
18.) CGeMM
Nov. 12, noon, Baxter II, 038
Ron Gregg, PhD, director of CGeMM, professor and chair of biochemistry: “New Resources and Grants: CGeMM’s Next Generation Sequencing (Exome, RNAseq, whole genome) and Transgenic Services; and Pilot Grants.”
Additional Information:
19.) Biochemistry
Nov. 10, noon, HSC-A, Homberger Library, 614
Linda Omer, BMB graduate student: “Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Huntington’s Disease: Inhibition of Mitochondrial Fragmentation Diminishes Neurodegeneration.”
Additional Information:
20.) From Freedom Summer to Ferguson: Why we need a new culture of belonging
Nov. 11, 5:30 p.m., Belknap Playhouse
Free and open to the public
How do we move from disconnected, fearful individuals to connected, collective agents of change? john a. powell, JD, University of California Berkeley professor of law, African American studies and ethnic studies, will provide insights at the 8th Annual Anne Braden Memorial Lecture. Executive director of the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society, powell is an expert in the areas of race, structural racism, ethnicity, housing, poverty and democracy.
Additional Information: Anne Braden Institute for Social Justice Research, 852-6142.
21.) Graduate Student Council hosts Graduate Research Symposium
Nov. 14, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library
Now in its seventh year, the Graduate Research Symposium offers graduate students an opportunity to share their research with the UofL community and to gain valuable experience in presenting their work for an interdisciplinary audience. The Graduate Student Council invites students, faculty and staff to attend the symposium to see graduate students’ poster and oral presentations. Please see the GSC website for more information.
Additional Information:
Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.