Health and Wellness
1.) Save the date for the May Caregiving Workshop
May 20, noon to 12:45 p.m., Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library
Free, UofL employees, retirees and their spouse/QA
Are you caring for a loved one? Get Healthy Now and the Great Places to Work Work-Life Balance Committee host a series geared toward employees caring for a grand/child, parent, relative or friend. The monthly workshop provides access to resources, inspires group support and promotes self-care. Series held the third Tuesday of each month. May’s workshop topic is “Financial freedom: Resources that help, presented by Jo Ann Kalb. No registration needed.
Additional Information: Get Healthy Now, 852-7755, Website.
2.) Last days to register for Pathways leadership conference
May 16, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Founders Union, Shelby Campus
Two days left to register for the 2nd annual UofL Pathways Women’s Leadership Conference. Dr. LaQuandra Nesbitt, director, Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and assistant professor in the UofL School of Public Health and Information Sciences, will join the program with university, local and national leaders. Focus will be on developing an idea from concept to action.
Additional Information: Melissa Long Shuter, 852-6151. Register here.
3.) Emergency Management to host meeting for local law enforcement
May 15, Swain Student Activities Center
The Emergency Planning Work Group will host a meeting Thursday for local law enforcement in the Swain Student Activities Center. Most of the participants will be in uniform, but there is no emergency. They will tour the SAC in preparation for a training session to be held in July. The program is a partnership between law enforcement and Emergency Management to help the university be prepared.
4.) Last chance to register for the i2a Institute
May 19 to 21, Founders Union, Shelby Campus
It’s not too late to register for the i2a Institute, now in its sixth year. Attend the Institute to connect with your colleagues and national experts and engage in the process of fostering and assessing critical thinking skills across the undergraduate experience.
Additional Information: Learn more and register here.
5.) Library services available in summer for distance education learners
Distance Learning Library Services (DLLS) provides research guides with links to databases like EBSCO and students can schedule research appointments with us to get help on effective ways to search in databases to find articles and books for their research papers. DLLS is located in the Ekstrom Library, room 217-218. We welcome helping you this summer.
Additional Information: Website. 852-8745.
6.) CGeMM Symposium on Genetics in Medicine scheduled
May 15, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Baxter Auditorium
Guests include Bart Smits, Medical University of South Carolona; Sara Van Driest, Vanderbilt University; Greg Cooper, HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology; David Threadgill, Texas A&M; Deborah Nickerson, University of Washington; Ted Kalbfleisch, UofL; James MacLeod, University of Kentucky.
Additional Information: Visit our website here, then click on 2014 CGeMM Symposium link on the left to register.
7.) Microbiology and Immunology Seminar scheduled
May 15, noon, Room 124, CTRB
The Department of Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series presents, “Regulation of host innate and adaptive immune responses by Yersinia type III effectors,” by James Bliska, PhD, professor, department of molecular genetics and microbiology, Stony Brook University.
Additional Information: Carolyn Burton, 852-6208.
Grand Rounds
8.) Medicine Grand Rounds presents Dr. Julio Ramirez
May 15, 8 a.m., Clinical and Translational Research Building, Room 101-102
UofL Department of Medicine Grand Rounds features Julio A. Ramirez, MD, professor of medicine and chief, division of infectious diseases at the University of Louisville. Dr. Ramirez will present The Bone and Joint Infection Program at University of Louisville Hospital, focusing on reviewing the presentation of complicated skin/soft tissue infections, discussing the pathophysiology of bone infections and presenting current treatment strategies for patients with bone and joint infections.
Additional Information: Jason Puckett, 852-1825.