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Thursday, March 9, 2017
Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium has premiered its newest laser music show, “Laser Tribute,” featuring the music of Prince, David Bowie, Whitney Houston, Jim Morrison, Michael Jackson and more. You can catch itevery Friday in March at 9 p.m.
Carol Chappell, MS, RD, LD, a lecturer in the HSS Department, has penned an article in the Courier-Journal for National Nutrition Month. The article focuses on how making small shifts in our food choices can add up over time.
UofL received more than $500,000 in awards throughout the past two weeks. See the grants and who received them here.
‘HR on Tour’ Dental School date rescheduled
March 17, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Dental School Room 305, HSC
Throughout the next few weeks, the UofL Human Resources department is going to come to you. Reps from each area of HR will be available at set locations to answer HR-related questions and provide guidance and resources. The Dental School visit, originally scheduled for March 10 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., has been rescheduled for March 17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. It will remain at the same location (Room 305). More information about the tour is available online.
Minors on campus best practices
As summer is quickly approaching, this is a great time to reacquaint yourself with the University’s Minors on Campus Best Practices documents. These documents are located on the Risk Management webpage. These documents provide guidelines for appropriate protection and supervision of minors participating in University-sponsored programs, in programs operated by outside entities held in University facilities, and/or programs housed in University facilities. This policy does not apply to general public events where authorized parents/guardians are invited and expected to provide appropriate protection and supervision of minors.
Additional Information: Brian Bigelow, 852-5787; Sandy Russell, 852-4652
Tax Season Alert
Tax season is a prime time for criminals. Each year across the country, some taxpayers attempt to file their federal and state income tax returns and learn that criminals have already filed fraudulent returns and/or claimed refunds in their names. There are many ways that criminals can acquire Social Security numbers and other sensitive data for use in tax fraud. If you suspect that you may be a victim of tax fraud or have questions, contact your local police department, or contact ULPD at 502-852-7290. The IRS provides information online for your reference.
Recruiting students for the Welcome Week 2017 Crew
The Office of First Year Initiatives is hiring a small group of students to join the FYI crew from Aug. 7-20. Applicants must be able to work during the timeframes listed on the web form and cannot be a part of a group that already has Welcome Week work commitments. Application opens March 1 and the deadline to apply is March 24 and FYI will notify candidates promptly.
Additional Information: Website ‘Rethinking American Constitutionalism’ topic of McConnell Center youth program
Applications due May 1; conference June 14-17; Free, open to the public
This summer’s annual Young Leaders Academy for high school students at the McConnell Center will focus on “Rethinking American Constitutionalism.” The four-day residential leadership conference will be held at UofL’s Belknap Campus for Kentucky students who have completed grades 10 and 11. Applications due May 1. Additional Information: Website, email, 852-3130 Out of the Darkness Campus Walk scheduled
April 9, 3-5:30 p.m., Belknap Campus Quad
Get ready for the very first Out of Darkness Campus Walks March Madness Bracket. Join the Cards SPEAK #LiftUp campaign and the American Foundation for Suicide prevention (AFSP) on a walk around our campus. Fundraising brackets begin March 16-April 3. Day of walk registration begins at 3 p.m. Walk begins at 4:30 p.m. and goes until 5:30 p.m. Register for the event online as an individual or create a team to participate with friends and family.
Additional Information: Tracie Meyer, CW Bracket, UofL Walk and registration Information Faculty
Call for Summer Research Projects – School of Medicine
Summer research projects are now being solicited from faculty to submit a biomedical summer research project for our medical students. The student’s stipend support and poster production costs are covered by the School of Medicine’s Summer Research Scholar Program (SRSP) and NIH training grants. Projects can be submitted online. Deadline is March 10.
Additional Information: 852-2553, email Training and Workshops
Retirement Planning Workshop
March 24, 9-11 a.m., Room 336, College of Business, Belknap Campus; Free
Register now to attend a 2-hour retirement planning workshop sponsored by the School of Accountancy and presented by faculty member and certified financial planner, Sheila Johnston. Topics include discussion of UofL options, amounts needed for retirement, basic retirement issues and more. Register via email. Additional Information: Sheila Johnston, 852-4820 Talks/Seminars/Symposiums
Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology William J. Waddell Seminar Series, Research Seminar
March 9, noon to 1 p.m., Room 123, CTRB, HSC; Free
The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology William J. Waddell Seminar Series presents research seminars by Christine Kim, “Potential EGFR Mechanisms for Arsenic Carcinogenesis” and Andre Richardson, “Harmful Tobacco Smoke Constituents and Cardiovascular Disease: New Tobacco Products, New Concerns?” Kim and Richardson are first year students in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Additional Information: Olivia Hill Brown & Williamson Spring Seminar Series
March 10, 4 p.m., Room LL-16, Chemistry Building, Belknap Campus
Bruce H. Lipshutz, PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara, will present, “Transitioning Organic Synthesis from Organic Solvents to Water Following Nature’s Lead.” Additional information: Sherry Nalley, 852-6798 Biology Department Seminar Series; Brown & Williamson presents Dr. Jose Diaz-Minguez, University of Salamanca
March 10, noon, 139 Shumaker Research Building
Dr. Jose Diaz-Minguez is a Professor at the University of Salamanca (Spain), in the Department of Microbiology and Genetics and is former Director of CIALE (the Spanish-Portuguese Institute of Agricultural Research). Diaz-Minguez has identified factors that control gene expression of virulence proteins, across a wide range of filamentous fungi. His topic is “The FTF gene family is a key regulator of virulence, host colonization, and effector expression in Fusarium oxysporum.”
Additional Information: Charice Johnson, 852-8263
Arts and Entertainment
UofL Wind Symphony performs at the American Bandmasters Association Convention
March 9, 8 p.m., Singletary Center for the Performing Arts, Lexington; Free
A concert featuring both the University of Louisville Wind Symphony and the Ohio State University Wind Symphony will be presented in conjunction with the prestigious American Bandmasters Association Convention. If you can’t attend the concert in person, you can watch it on YouTube. Additional Information: Frederick Speck Studies
Infant scientists wanted
March, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Davidson 314; HSPPO#: 053.06
The UofL Infant Cognition Lab (Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences) is conducting several studies on infant face perception. Infants who are between 3 and 8 months old with normal vision and hearing are invited to participate. Participation involves one brief visit to campus. Infants will receive a UofL t-shirt or bib for participating. Additional Information: Nonah Olesen, 852-6852, website Health and Wellness
RSVP: Take 20 to get the scoop about sugar
12-12:20 p.m., March 13, Room 208 Burhans Hall, Shelby Campus; March 16, Nursing/K-Wing, HSC Campus, and March 17, Room 109 Humanities Building, Belknap; Free for UofL employees, retirees and spouses/QA
It can be tricky to separate the sweet truth from the sugary fiction, but in 20 minutes we’ll do just that. Join Get Healthy Now to get the facts on sugar, including different types, reasons for cutting back and tips to help limit sugar intake. Additional Information: RSVP, 852-7755 Grand Rounds
Family and Geriatric Medicine Grand Rounds
March 10, 7:30- 8:30 a.m., Jewish Hospital Bottigheimer Auditorium
Erin Frazier, MD, Medical Director, Norton’s Children’s Health and Wellness, will present, “Adverse Childhood Experiences: Understanding Impact and Promoting Resilience.” CME category 1 is available for both AAFP and ACCME accreditation. Additional Information: Melissa Garrett, 852-5499 Pediatric Grand Rounds
March 10, 8 a.m., Norton Auditorium
Join us for a Pediatric Grand Rounds featuring Jan Sullivan, MD, Sara Watson, MD, MSc, and Michelle Stevenson, MD, MS. Sullivan is a professor, division chief and medical director of the Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit. Watson is an assistant professor in the division of pediatric endocrinology, and Stevenson is a professor of pediatrics and division chief of pediatric emergency medicine at the University of Louisville. They will present “ECHO’s Resounding Impact.” Additional Information: Brittney Luckett, 502-629-8828 Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds
March 10, 6:45-7:45 a.m., Baxter I Research Building, lower level auditorium
Join the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery as we welcome Brent Sinicrope, MD, PGY-4 resident. Sinicrope will lecture on “Graft Section in ACL Reconstruction: Past, Present and Future.” Additional Information: Monica Welsh, 852-6902, website QUESTIONS & SUBMISSIONS
Direct questions about UofL Today to Alicia Kelso, 852-2670, or the Office of Communication & Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.