March 23, 2015 Announcements


    Welcome to the UofL Today email! Want to know more about what is going on at UofL? Visit UofL Today online for articles, videos, photos, campus-submitted announcements and the UofL event calendar. Want to submit an announcement? Click here.


    Here’s what was posted to UofL Today on March 20, 2015:


    ·       Infamous Kentucky ‘Dad’ to do book reading. Read more.

    ·       Faculty Notables. Read more.






    There’s another March Madness bracket out there, and doesn’t have anything to do with game-winning. UofL holds the No. 3 spot in a bracket rating the sustainability of home athletic arenas of colleges and universities vying in the NCAA men’s basketball tournament., a Dallas-based organization with a website designed to help people trim power use in their homes and businesses, created the bracket. The KFC Yum Center’s energy-efficient lighting, 57.4 percent waste diversion rate and LEED-certified building construction were among factors placing Louisville in the Top Three. The University of Kentucky was ranked 10th.



    Campus-Submitted Announcement List



    1.) Nominations sought for Outstanding Community Engagement Award


    2.) Belknap construction updates posted on web


    3.) Film screening of ‘To Chris Maker, An Unsent Letter’

    Health and Wellness

    4.) Sign up for Weigh to Wellness


    5.) Bookstore needs 2015 summer and fall semester textbook, course material orders

    6.) Submission deadline April 1 for School of Medicine grant programs

    7.) Nominations due April 3 for 2015 Commission on the Status of Women

    8.) Faculty: Learn about teaching with mobile apps at Appy Hour

    9.) Individual Blackboard Analytics training sessions available

    10.) Houchens ‘Penny War’ to Benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana Extended

    11.) Reserve your spot for Transformation Tea

    12.) 2015 Federal SBIR/STTR Tour and annual Kentucky Conference

    Summer Camps

    13.) Summer youth opportunities at UofL

    14.) Engineering summer camp online registration now open


    15.) Biochemistry


    16.) What is Fair Use in copyright and how can I use it?

    17.) Former NSF officer to speak on external funding

    Volunteers Needed

    18.) UofL community partners seek volunteers

    Grand Rounds

    19.) Movement Disorder Video Rounds



    Campus-Submitted Announcements



    1.) Nominations sought for Outstanding Community Engagement Award

    Deadline April 30

    Nominations are now being accepted for the 7th Annual Outstanding Community Engagement Award. This award recognizes the exemplary community engagement activities of students, staff, faculty and community partners. Recipients will receive a crystal award, a $2,500 monetary award and their name will be added to the permanent recognition display in Ekstrom Library. Deadline to submit nominations is April 30. See the award website for criteria and nomination forms.



    2.) Belknap construction updates posted on web

    Construction on the east side of campus, including Floyd and Brook streets and Warnock Avenue, will continue in phases for the next 18 months. Current construction includes digging a trench down the middle of Floyd Street from the Eastern Parkway overpass to Warnock Avenue. Traffic along Floyd will remain open, with one lane in each direction. For more information on the construction projects, including a video and artist’s renderings of the finished work, click here.



    3.) Film screening of ‘To Chris Maker, An Unsent Letter’

    March 24, 5 p.m. and 8 p.m., Floyd Theatre, SAC

    Free and open to the public

    “To Chris Marker, An Unsent Letter” is a cinematic love letter to Chris Marker, the notoriously private filmmaker and artist, director of “La Jetée, Sans Soleil, Le Joli Mai” and many other films, and self-described best known author of unknown works. Directed by Emmy-award winning cinematographer and filmmaker Emiko Omori, the film is a contemplative essay whose form is inspired by Marker’s signature style.

    Additional Information:


    Health and Wellness

    4.) Sign up for Weigh to Wellness

    Belknap: April 7 to June 23, Tuesdays noon to 12:45 p.m.

    HSC: April 8 to June 24,Wednesdays noon to 12:45 p.m.

    UofL Employees: Free

    Join Get Healthy Now’s Weigh to Wellness class, which offers nutrition and exercise tips with the accountability of a weekly weigh-in. We will discuss various topics such as portion sizes, worksite workouts, goal setting and more! Healthy weight loss happens when you make gradual lifestyle changes that you can live with forever. Make your first move towards a healthy weight and join us for Weigh to Wellness! Enroll today and earn awesome incentives on your path to feeling your best!

    Additional Information:, 852-7755.



    5.) Bookstore needs 2015 summer and fall semester textbook, course material orders

    Deadline: March 31 to assure compliance

    All summer and fall textbook and course material orders must be submitted to UofL’s official bookstore, operated by Barnes & Noble, by March 31 to assure compliance with the federal government Higher Education Opportunity Act. Please visit to create your account and submit your textbook and course material today.

    Additional information: Cori Bibelhauser, 852-4926.


    6.) Submission deadline April 1 for School of Medicine grant programs

    The School of Medicine Research Committee administers the Basic, Bridge and Collaborative Matching Grant programs, which provide financial support to SOM faculty. The awards have been increased up to $25,000 for Basic, $40,000 for Bridge and $50,000 for Collaborative with $25,000 in matched funds. The next cycle’s submission deadline is April 1.

    Additional Information: Website. 852-7794.


    7.) Nominations due April 3 for 2015 Commission on the Status of Women

    The Commission on the Status of Women (COSW) is soliciting nominations of both staff and faculty from all UofL campuses for appointment consideration to the commission. The list of nominees will be presented to President James Ramsey in May. Terms for newly appointed members begin August 1. Visit for detailed information about the COSW. To submit a nomination, please send the name and contact information to by April 3.

    Additional Information: Sherry Duffy, 852-6667.


    8.) Faculty: Learn about teaching with mobile apps at Appy Hour

    April 1, 3 to 5 p.m., Delphi Center, Ekstrom Library

    Join us for informal conversation over sparkling beverages and appetizers about how mobile apps are being used across the curriculum and changing the way we teach. Share your favorite iOS or Android apps along with your success story. See what your colleagues are doing with mobile apps both in and out of the classroom. Pre-registration is required.

    Additional Information: Learn more and register.


    9.) Individual Blackboard Analytics training sessions available

    MITC 305


    Individual training sessions for Blackboard Analytics are available. The Office of Institutional Research and Planning will provide training on how to create and publish dashboards within the application. To schedule a training session, please contact

    Additional Information: Becky Patterson, 852-3385.


    10.) Houchens ‘Penny War’ to Benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana Extended

    Houchens Bldg., Room 140d or ll08

    Due to the numerous snow days we’ve had, we are extending the Houchens Penny War until Wednesday, March 25 at 4 p.m. Still time to stop in any of the offices in Houchens and drop your pennies in any of the offices OR challenge any of the offices by dropping in any silver or paper in their container. In addition, we are selling chances for a UofL collapsible cooler filled with lots of Easter candy. 1 for $l ir 6 for $5. Drawing will be Wednesday, March 25 at 4 p.m.

    Additional Information: Donna Robbins, 296-5530; Julie Oeschli, 852-1489.


    11.) Reserve your spot for Transformation Tea

    April 1, 3 to 5 p.m., 139 Shumaker Research Building

    Free; reservations required

    Reservations are being accepted for the annual U of L Transformation Tea. This is an open forum for the diverse spectrum of women of color and their allies and will include speakers Professor Laura Rothstein, School of Law and Mary Elizabeth Miles, Human Resources; networking opportunities, presentation of the Unsung SHERO Award, door prizes and refreshments. The theme is Workplace Equity: Employment & Disability Discrimination. RSVP by March 27 to Georgette Moore.

    Additional Information: Those attending are asked to bring toiletries which will be collected and donated to the women’s residential shelter the Healing Place. More details, email Phyllis M. Webb, 852-8976.


    12.) 2015 Federal SBIR/STTR Tour and annual Kentucky Conference

    March 24, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Brown Hotel


    This is an opportunity for small tech businesses, entrepreneurs and university researchers to learn about $2.5 billion in federal SBIR/STTR program funding. Program officers from federal agencies will present their agency-specific programs and be available for one-on-one meetings with registrants. This conference is designed for anyone interested in SBIR/STTR projects. Topics include proposal preparation, differences in SBIR and STTR research, eligibility requirements and how to win grants.

    Additional Information:


    Summer Camps

    13.) Summer youth opportunities at UofL

    Looking for something for your children to do this summer? Check out the summer camp opportunities listings to find engaging ways at UofL for your children to spend their summer.

    Additional Information: Website.


    14.) Engineering summer camp online registration now open

    Speed School of Engineering

    Prices vary

    Online registration, complete with convenient credit card payment, is now open for Speed School’s summer camp lineup. Along with the ever-popular LEGO camps and the Brown-Forman INSPIRE program, we’ve added: 3D printing for Beginners, Build A Computer, Making Solar Cells using Microfabrication Residential Camp and two LEGO camps for high schoolers. Check out the complete lineup of summer camps.

    Additional Information: Heidi Neal 852-0364.



    15.) Biochemistry

    March 23, noon, Homberger Library, HSC-A, Rm 614

    Saibyasachi (Sabby) Choudhury, BMG graduate student. “Role of microRNAs in Arsenic-Induced Lung Cancer.”

    Additional Information:



    16.) What is Fair Use in copyright and how can I use it?

    April 1, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    Fair Use is a misunderstood but central foundation for using copyrighted resources. It also serves a broader role in preserving your right to decide when, how and where to use protected works. As part of the University Libraries Copyright in Focus series, Professor Dwayne K. Buttler, endowed chair, University Libraries, will discuss copyright in teaching, research and the broader culture. University Libraries will also host a copyright Q&A session at noon with pizza.

    Additional Information and RSVP: Dwayne Buttler; 852-3128.


    17.) Former NSF officer to speak on external funding

    March 27, 11 a.m. to noon, Ekstrom Library W104


    Dr. Regina Werum spent two years as a program officer for the National Science Foundation’s Directorate of Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences and served as associate vice chancellor for research at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She will share expert advice about seeking external funding for research. The event is hosted by the Office of Research in the College of Education and Human Development.

    Additional Information:


    Volunteers Needed

    18.) UofL community partners seek volunteers

    The following UofL Community Partners are requesting volunteer assistance:

    Better Business Bureau

    Cabbage Patch

    Family Scholar House

    Catholic Charities-Louisville

    Gilda’s Club

    Grace Project – Northwest AHEC

    Olmsted Parks Conservancy

    Portland Promise Center

    Simmons College of Louisville

    Uspiritus (Formerly Brooklawn)

    Highlands Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

    Louisville Grows, Inc.

    Additional Information: If you are interested in volunteering, please email Ralph Fitzpatrick, Ed.D or call 852-6026.


    Grand Rounds

    19.) Movement Disorder Video Rounds

    March 23, 5 to 6:00 p.m., Frazier Rehab, Kosair Boardroom, 15th floor


    Dr. Kathrin LaFaver, assistant professor of neurology, will present Neuroimaging clues at this month’s event. 1 CME and 1.2 CEU credits are available for MDs, DOs, and RNs who attend. Light dinner will be served. If you would like to present a video, please e-mail Dr. LaFaver.

    Additional Information: Emily Rollins, 407-3226.



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    Submit an announcement