March 16, 2015 Announcements


    Welcome to the UofL Today email! Want to know more about what is going on at UofL? Visit UofL Today online for articles, videos, photos, campus-submitted announcements and the UofL event calendar. Want to submit an announcement? Click here.


    Here’s what was posted to UofL Today on March 13, 2015:


    ·       ISLP students leave for annual trip to Belize. Read more.

    ·       War stories: South Vietnamese share ‘unheard’ perspective. Read more.

    ·       School of Music bringing opera to the masses. Read more.

    ·       UofL students advance to national finance competition. Read more.





    The Free Store in Unitas Tower isn’t only for students. Employees are also welcome to visit the store and pick up free non-perishable food; clothing and shoes; electronics and small appliances; household items; books; school and art supplies, and bath and beauty items. The store, which is in the basement, has changed its hours to Thursdays from 1 to 3 p.m.



    Campus-Submitted Announcement List


    Health and Wellness

    1.) Self-care for nurses: Avoid compassion fatigue

    2.) Turn up the heat on your fitness routine with GHN’s Get R.I.P.P.E.D.

    Human Resources

    3.) Performance management guidelines


    4.) EndNote Class, Kornhauser Health Sciences Library

    Summer Camps

    5.) Blast off for great summer fun at the planetarium


    6.) Last Call: Green Threads faculty workshop applications due March 25


    7.) CORRECTION: Seminars in Neuroscience


    8.) PKU study for 18 to 70 years old

    9.) Type 1 diabetes mellitus study for adolescents and adults aged 12 to 35 years

    10.) Type 2 diabetes mellitus study for children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 years

    11.) Autism study for children 4 to 10 years old

    12.) Research study for nausea and vomiting after a scheduled surgery, birth through 17 years

    13.) Pain study, infants and toddlers, less than 2 years

    14.) Pediatric pain study, 7 through 16 years

    15.) Pediatric constipation study



    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    Health and Wellness

    1.) Self-care for nurses: Avoid compassion fatigue

    May 6, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., School of Nursing, 4th floor auditorium, K-building

    Free to university clinicians, faculty, students and staff

    Please join UofL School of Nursing’s Iota Zeta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, nursing’s honor society, for a presentation by Dr. John S. Shealy, “Avoiding Compassion Fatigue through Mindfulness Stress Reduction: Self-Care for Nurses.Attendance is free; registration is requested. Approved for 1 hour nursing CEU. Light refreshments will be served at 5 p.m.

    Additional Information: Valerie McCarthy or Fawwaz Alaloul.


    2.) Turn up the heat on your fitness routine with GHN’s Get R.I.P.P.E.D.

    Mondays, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym, 601 Presidents Blvd.

    Free for employees, retirees and their spouses/QAs

    The heat is on… in GHN’s Get R.I.P.P.E.D. group fitness class! This class is specifically designed to make you work hard and get strong! The high intensity class that uses a combination of free weight, body weight and resistance training will make you sweat and forget about the weather. So stop wishing for warmer times and make it happen at GHN’s R.I.P.P.E.D. Suitable for all fitness levels.

    Additional Information: GHN group fitness class schedule. 852-7755.


    Human Resources

    3.) Performance management guidelines

    The deadline for performance appraisals is fast approaching! The due dates and guidelines for submission are available on HR Items of Interest.

    Additional Information:



    4.) EndNote Class, Kornhauser Health Sciences Library

    March 17, 10 to 11:30 a.m.

    Kornhauser Library is offering EndNote training during the spring semester. Classes are held in the Kornhauser History room and are free to the UofL community. RSVP for either class to John Chenault, 852-3901.

    Summer Camps

    5.) Blast off for great summer fun at the planetarium

    Gheens Science Hall & Rauch Planetarium

    $180 UofL faculty, staff, students with valid ID

    Want a summer camp experience that is out of this world? Kids have fun while learning at these fast-paced camps filled with hands-on explorations, creations and activities. The camps are designed for a variety of age groups and grades. Cost: $200 non-members; $180 UofL faculty, staff, students with valid ID; $150 planetarium family members. Camps are filling up quickly, so sign up today! Details and registration at

    Additional Information:, 852-6665,



    6.) Last Call: Green Threads faculty workshop applications due March 25

    Interested in weaving themes of ecological, social and economic stewardship into your courses? The Sustainability Council invites full or part-time faculty and GTA Academy members from all disciplines to participate in the April 2015 Green Threads workshop. We’ll explore ways to embed sustainability in your curriculum. You’ll receive a $500 honorarium, resources for course development, info on local sustainability issues and a new network of colleagues from across UofL.



    7.) CORRECTION: Seminars in Neuroscience

    March 19, 4 to 5 p.m., Baxter I Auditorium

    Free, open to everyone

    CORRECTED TITLE OF TALK: The Seminars in Neuroscience Series is pleased to host Axel Nimmerjahn, Salk Institute for Biological Studies. The title of his lecture is The Brain’s Inflammatory Response to Viral Gene Transfer.” Light refreshments will be served.

    Additional Information: Ruth O’Bryan, 852-8059.



    8.) PKU study for 18 to 70 years old

    IRB #13.0311

    The Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate the safety and tolerability of a medication in 18 to 70 year olds who have a diagnosis of PKU with a high Phe level. If the patient qualifies to take part in this research study, involvement lasts from 27 to 44 weeks with up to 15 study visits. They will receive the study medication and study-related care at no cost. Compensation available for time/travel.

    For additional information, contact Lauren Rayborn, RN by email or at 629-7544 or 620-0000 (pager)


    9.) Type 1 diabetes mellitus study for adolescents and adults aged 12 to 35 years

    IRB #12.0380

    The Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit and the Wendy L. Novak Diabetes Care Center are conducting a clinical research study to evaluate the safety of an experimental medication in 12 to 35 years olds who have recently been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. If the subject qualifies to take part in this research study, participation lasts up to 2 years; he/she will receive the study medication or a placebo and study-related care at no cost. Compensation available for time/travel.

    For additional information, contact Kupper Wintergerst  or Lauren Rayborn by email or at 629-7544 or 620-0000 (pager).


    10.) Type 2 diabetes mellitus study for children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 years

    IRB #12.0380

    The Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit and the Wendy L. Novak Diabetes Care Center are conducting a clinical research study to evaluate the metabolism, as well as safety, of a medication in children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 years old who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. If the child qualifies to take part in this research study, he/she will attend 3 clinic visits; receive the study medication and study-related care at no cost. Compensation available for time/travel.

    For additional information, contact Kupper Wintergerst or Lauren Rayborn by email or at 629-7544 or 620-0000 (pager).


    11.) Autism study for children 4 to 10 years old

    IRB #13.0779

    The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate how a medication treats abnormal EEG’s without seizures, as well as behavioral and neurological symptoms, in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). If a child qualifies to take part in this research study, he/she will receive the study medication or placebo and study-related care at no cost. Parents will be offered compensation for time/travel.

    For additional information, contact Carrie Schanie, 629-6802 or 620-0000 (pager).


    12.) Research study for nausea and vomiting after a scheduled surgery, birth through 17 years

    IRB #12.0552

    The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate the safety and dose response of a drug given orally prior to a scheduled surgery that is used to prevent post-operative nausea and vomiting.  Children from birth to 17 years of age may be eligible for participation.  Subjects may be compensated for time/travel.

    If your child is scheduled or being scheduled for surgery, please call 629-5820 or 620-0000 (pager) to speak to study personnel, or email


    13.) Pain study, infants and toddlers, less than 2 years

    IRB #12.0228

    The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate acetaminophen given into a vein to treat moderate to severe pain in infants and children less than 2 years of age following surgery or an injury. Subjects may be compensated for time/travel.

    For more information, contact Tressa Bratton, 629‐5820 or 620‐0000 (pager).


    14.) Pediatric pain study, 7 through 16 years

    IRB #12.0192 

    The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics and efficacy of an investigational drug used to treat moderate to severe prolonged or persistent pain.  Children 7 to less than 17 years of age who require continuous analgesia for moderate to severe pain for an extended period of time may be eligible for participation.  Patients will be reimbursed for reasonable travel costs associated with their participation in the study. 

    For more information, contact Karrie Kernen, 629-5820 or 620-0000 (pager).


    15.) Pediatric constipation study

    IRB# 14.0007

    The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit is conducting a clinical research study to assess the efficacy and safety of an investigational drug used to treat constipation. Children 6-17 years of age who have been diagnosed with functional constipation and are able to swallow capsules may be eligible to participate. Patients may be compensated for time/travel associated with their participation in the study.

    For more information, contact Jackie Perry, 629-5123, pager 620-0000.



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    Submit an announcement