June 15, 2016 Announcements


    Want to know more about what’s going on at UofL? Visit the new UofLNews website for features, videos, photos, announcements, radio segments, and the UofL event calendar. Click here to submit an announcement.


    Here’s what was featured on UofLNews on Tuesday, June 14, 2016:

    • HIV disparities researcher selected for competitive mentorship program. Read more.
    • A rush of adrenaline: UofL employees skydive with Golden Knights. Read more.
    • Spots open for annual Red Barn Alumni Association Golf Scramble. Read more.
    • Photos: The Open Walls faculty/staff art exhibit opened Monday in the Photographic Archives Gallery, Archives & Special Collections. It runs through June 30. View here


    UofL’s LGBT Center has created a banner with messages of support for the LGBT Center at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. You can stop by the center anytime this week to add your message of love and support. The LGBT Satellite Office on the HSC Campus (Building A in the Student Affairs Suite) is also collecting messages of support that will be sent with the banner at the end of the week.


    Campus-Submitted Announcement List


    1.) Microbiology and Immunology seminar scheduled

    Health and Wellness

    2.) Mindfulness without the Woo Woo

    3.) Ride with your GHN friends with InCycle and InCycle Express

    4.) Be your best self and join the PiYo party


    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    1.) Microbiology and Immunology seminar scheduled

    June 16, noon to 1 p.m., HSC, Clinical Translational Research Building, Room 101

    The Department of Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series presents, “Neutrophil Responses to TLR4 Ligands,” by Shuvasree Sengupta, PhD candidate in the lab of Thomas Mitchell, PhD.

    Additional Information: Carolyn Burton, 852-6208


    Health and Wellness

    2.) Mindfulness without the Woo Woo

    Four Wednesdays: July 6, 13, 20, & 27, 12-1:15 p.m., Room K2002, Nursing School K Building, Health Sciences Center; Free for employees, spouses, QAs

    Beyond simply decreasing your stress, this evidence-based KORU workshop will help you learn skills to find more satisfaction in your daily life. The course is designed to help you learn mindfulness through the practice of specific skills that calm and focus your mind and through the practice of meditation. If you are feeling pressured and stressed, or are just interested in learning a new skill that can enrich your life, these classes are for you. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome.

    Additional Information: Email Paula Kommor to register


    3.) Ride with your GHN friends with InCycle and InCycle Express

    Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30-7 a.m., 5:30- 6:15 p.m.; Friday 12 p.m.-12:30 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym; Employees, retirees and their spouses/QAs

    Let the upbeat music motivate you as you ride through a variety of speeds and resistance challenges. Suitable for all fitness levels.

    Additional Information: Facebook, website


    4.) Be your best self and join the PiYo party

    Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym; First class is always free; see specialty class schedule for more details

    PiYo combines the muscle-sculpting, core-firming benefits of Pilates with the strength and flexibility advantages of yoga. If you’re looking for a workout without jumping or high impact cardio to help lose weight, find out what the Piyo craze is all about.

    Additional Information: Facebook, website, email



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Alicia Kelso, 852-2670, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    Submit an announcement


    Alicia Kelso
    Alicia Kelso is the director of social media and digital content. She joined UofL in 2015 as director of communications at the Brandeis School of Law. She also serves as a senior contributor at Forbes.com, writing about the restaurant industry, which she has covered since 2010. Her work has been featured in publications around the world, including NPR, Bloomberg, The Seattle Times, Good Morning America and Franchise Asia Magazine.