June 14, 2016 Announcements


    Want to know more about what’s going on at UofL? Visit the new UofLNews website for features, videos, photos, announcements, radio segments, and the UofL event calendar. Click here to submit an announcement.


    Here’s what was featured on UofLNews on Monday, June 13, 2016:

    • UofL LGBT Center is ‘safe place’ for students, staff rocked by Orlando killings. Read more.
    • Whale of a tale: How marine mammal research informs us about global pollution. Read more.




    The UofL Baseball Team reached the 50-win plateau for just the fourth time in school history, with a final record of 50-14.


    Campus-Submitted Announcement List

    UofL Today with Mark Hebert

    1.) Radio Show

    2.) Metro TV

    3.) KET KY – The Kentucky Channel


    4.) Updates on SAC renovation and addition
    5.) New Healthcare Masters Track available

    6.) Girls design their own entertainment media at Digital Media Academy showcase


    7.) Pharmacology and Toxicology Seminar scheduled

    Health and Wellness

    8.) Feel alive and rejuvenated with Intro to Nia

    9.) Join GHN for Pilates

    Grand Rounds

    10.) Endocrinology Grand Rounds

    11.) Neuroscience Grand Rounds


    Campus-Submitted Announcements

    UofL Today with Mark Hebert

    1.) Radio Show

    Airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 6 p.m. on 93.9 FM The Ville; replayed on Saturday and Sunday at 8 a.m.

    Hebert hosts two weekly 30-minute programs focusing on research, programs, successful students and insights from UofL’s faculty experts. This week’s schedule:

    • Tuesday, June 14 – Don DeMuth and Fred Luzzio discuss research to prevent periodontal disease; multiple international scholarship winner Rosslyn Steinmetz; Amir Amini talks about MRI technology

    Podcasts of all “UofL Today with Mark Hebert” radio programs can be found on SoundCloud


    2.) Metro TV

    (Ch. 99 on UVerse, Ch. 25 on TWC): Monday and Tuesday nights at 7:30 with replays Thursday 6:30 p.m., Friday 8:30 p.m. and Sunday 9:30 p.m.      

    • This week:  Enid Trucios-Haynes – interim director of Muhammad Ali Institute and Cortez Flippins, Ali Scholar; PNC Bank’s Chuck Denny and David Adams from UofL’s Institute for Produce Realization discuss June 16 visit by AOL founder Steve Case

    Metro TV shows can be found on YouTube.


    3.) KET KY – The Kentucky Channel

    (Ch. 192 on TWC, other channels): Thursdays at 5 p.m.

    • Thursday, June 16:  Engineering professor Roman Yampolskiy talks about artificial intelligence – could we live forever but have robots taking over our lives? Marian Morris and Beth Robinson discuss Doctors and Lawyers for Kids; McKenzie Flynn – Fulbright Scholar



    4.) Updates on SAC renovation and addition
    What to know what is going on with the SAC renovation and addition? Check out updates online

    Additional Information: Tim Moore, 852-8329


    5.) New Healthcare Masters Track available

    The Department of Physiology in the Medical School is initiating a new Clinical Physiology, or Pre-Health Care, Track within its Master of Science (MS) graduate program. Both the Pre-Health Care Track and the traditional Research Track are non-thesis programs that can be completed in one calendar year. We will be accepting applications for both tracks through the first week of August.

    Additional Information: Jennifer Wells, website


    6.) Girls design their own entertainment media at Digital Media Academy showcase

    June 17, 1-2:30 p.m., Ekstrom Library, Chao Auditorium; Free

    Mark your calendar for a showcase of digital media projects created by Louisville middle school girls who have spent two weeks doing image manipulation and video editing to learn how to “Hack Your Play” and design their own entertainment media. Sponsored by the English Department, the Digital Media Academy will offer the technological means, and girls from JCPS schools will provide the creativity and curiosity to re-envision how girls are represented in entertainment media.

    Additional Information: Michelle Day


    7.) Pharmacology and Toxicology Seminar scheduled

    June 14, noon, HSC CTR Room 124; Free

    The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology presents a MS Defense/PhD Proposal Defense by Julie Gosney from Dr. Brian Ceresa’s Lab, title “EGFR: Effector Communication in the Early Endosome.”

    Additional Information: Florence Su, 852-5141


    Health and Wellness

    8.) Feel alive and rejuvenated with Intro to Nia

    Tuesdays, 6:40-7:40 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym 601 Presidents Blvd.; Free for members at the GHN Wellness Center

    Nia is a sensory-based movement practice that draws from disciplines of the martial arts, dance arts and healing arts. Every class offers a unique combination of 52 moves that corresponds with the main areas of the body: the base, the core, and upper extremities.

    Additional Information: Schedule, email, 852-7755


    9.) Join GHN for Pilates

    June 6–Aug. 5, Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym; $35 Unlimited classes, first class is always free

    Come try our Get Healthy Now’s comprehensive specialty class offerings this semester. We’ve introduced a new Tai Chi and Barre Basics class to help you tone muscles, improve posture, and energize yourself for the day. Yoga socks are recommended for newly added classes.

    Additional Information: Facebook, website, email


    Grand Rounds

    10.) Endocrinology Grand Rounds

    June 15, 4 p.m., Baxter II Research Building, lower level, Room 038

    Please join us as Manikya Kuriti, MBBS, Fellow, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes, presents, “Islet cell transplantation – the current and the future.”

    email Kelly Galiette at kelly.galiette@louisville.edu or call 852-5237


    11.) Neuroscience Grand Rounds

    June 16, 8-9 a.m., Baxter Building Auditorium; Free

    As part of Neuroscience Grand Rounds, the Department of Neurology is pleased to announce that Gaurav Dighe, MD, will present “Safety of Intravenous Thrombolysis in Stroke Mimics” on Thursday, June 16 at 8 a.m. in the Baxter Building Auditorium.

    Additional Information: Watch live online and receive CME credit



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Alicia Kelso, 852-2670, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    Submit an announcement



    Alicia Kelso
    Alicia Kelso is the director of social media and digital content. She joined UofL in 2015 as director of communications at the Brandeis School of Law. She also serves as a senior contributor at Forbes.com, writing about the restaurant industry, which she has covered since 2010. Her work has been featured in publications around the world, including NPR, Bloomberg, The Seattle Times, Good Morning America and Franchise Asia Magazine.