July 2, 2015 Announcements


    Welcome to the UofL Today email! Want to know more about what is going on at UofL? Visit UofL Today online for articles, videos, photos, campus-submitted announcements and the UofL event calendar. Want to submit an announcement? Click here.



    Here’s what was posted to UofL Today on July 1, 2015:


    ·       VIDEO: UofL dentistry student Jae Lee discusses the NIH grant he won to further his research work and clinical studies at UofL. Lee received a four-year individual grant to help fund his seven-year DMD/PhD degree. The grant supports highly promising predoctoral students in a dual-degree training program. Watch here.






    Oksana Masters, 24, daughter of UofL Physicians speech pathologist Dr. Gay Masters, is up for an ESPN Espy Award for Best Female Athlete with a Disability. Oksana is a sit-skier who won two medals in the 2014 Sochi Olympics, and is also a rower. Dr. Masters adopted her from a Ukrainian orphanage when she was 7; she had been abandoned there after she was born with severe birth defects. She uses a special sled and her ski poles have to be taped to her hands. Vote for Oksana here.




    Campus-Submitted Announcement List


    Farmers Markets

    1.) Gray Street, Belknap markets closed today

    Health and Wellness

    2.) Get Healthy Now closed for Independence Day holiday

    3.) Fire up your core muscles with Ab Lab

    4.) UofL participating in National Bike Challenge


    5.) Improvements to HelpDesk visible Oct. 1 


    6.) UofL Today publishing schedule for holiday week

    7.) EndNote Workshop

    8.) Evaluation and management of the patients with brain and spinal metastasis


    9.) Study of family relations for children with ADD/ADHD




    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    Farmers Markets

    1.) Gray Street, Belknap markets closed today

    The markets will resume July 9 at their regularly scheduled times: Gray Street from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Belknap from 3:30 to 6.


    Health and Wellness

    2.) Get Healthy Now closed for Independence Day holiday

    July 3-4; Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym

    The Get Healthy Now Wellness Center will be closed Friday and Saturday in observance of Independence Day. Normal hours of operation will resume Sunday, July 5, (12p – 5p). Have a safe and happy Independence Day!

    Additional Information: 852-7755.


    3.) Fire up your core muscles with Ab Lab

    Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:00 to 12:15 p.m. Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym

    Free for GHN Wellness Center members

    Summer time has arrived and it’s time to get those abs tight, toned up and stronger with Get Healthy Now’s Ab Lab. It’s the total core workout in only 15 minutes! Doing abdominal work and lower back exercises, this class will help you develop a toned physique and improve total body strength.

    Additional Information: Group fitness schedule; website; ghn@louisville.edu; 852-7755.


    4.) UofL participating in National Bike Challenge

    Through September 30

    Free for UofL employees, retirees, and their spouse/QA

    Join the challenge and showcase your support for a healthy lifestyle and sustainable transportation. Compete with your UofL colleagues to earn the coveted title of most active cyclists on campus! Register online at http://nationalbikechallenge.org/ for this free summer-long challenge. Your miles cycled will count toward the UofL total, as well as qualify you for great individual prizes. Grand prize: a $400 voucher to a local bike shop courtesy of Get Healthy Now and the Sustainability Council.

    Additional Information: Jamie Udeze, 852-1234; website; ghn@louisville.edu.



    5.) Improvements to HelpDesk visible Oct. 1 

    Information Technology will be transitioning to a new service management tool in order to improve customer support. Beginning October 1, the entire UofL community will see a change in the look of emails from the HelpDesk as IT switches to a new service. Emails will still be sent from our helpdesk@louisville.edu address. The online web page for the HelpDesk will also feature some new options with regard to incident and problem management. Ways to contact the HelpDesk: (502) 852-7997, helpdesk@louisville.edu, http://helpdesk.louisville.edu will remain the same.

    Additional Information: If you have questions about your options in working with the HelpDesk, please contact infotech@louisville.edu.



    6.) UofL Today publishing schedule for holiday week

    UoL Today will not be published on Friday, July 3. Announcements for the Monday, July 6 edition of UofL Today must be submitted by noon today.

    Additional Information: Janet Cappiello, 852-1104.


    7.) EndNote Workshop

    10:30 a.m. – noon July 9 Room W102, Ekstrom Library

    Free to UofL community

    Attend this workshop to get oriented with the process of citation management. Attendees will learn how to setup an EndNote Library and export citations from search tools like EBSCO and Google Scholar. Class is limited to 10. Register here http://louisville.libguides.com/endnote.

    Additional Information: Toccara Porter tdport01@louisville.edu 852-0433.


    8.) Evaluation and management of the patients with brain and spinal metastasis

    July 10, 7:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Clinical and Translational Research Building


    This one-day CME course will present a multidisciplinary approach needed for the care and treatment of patients with CNS Metastasis. The event will host 10 speakers providing lectures related to their specialties. MDs and DOs will receive 4.5 CME credits and RNs will receive 5.4 CEU credits.

    Additional Information: Emily Rollins, 407-3226; website.



    9.) Study of family relations for children with ADD/ADHD

    Davidson Hall, Suite 308B

    Paul Rosen, PhD, and The UofL RACER Lab are conducting a study examining family relations for children with ADD/ADHD. Parents and their children between the ages of 7 and 13 years are eligible to participate. Estimated duration of participation is one 3-hour session. Participants will be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift card and provided with a free ADHD screening assessment. IRB #15.0478

    Additional Information: 852-1387; RACERLab@gmail.com.



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    Submit an announcement