July 12, 2013 Announcements


    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    1.) BFSA ‘Back to School’ Drive

    Health and Wellness

    2.) Improve Your Mind and Your Body with Music!

    HR Items of Interest

    3.) Investments representative on campus


    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    1.) BFSA ‘Back to School’ Drive

    Noon-2 p.m. and 5 p.m.-7 p.m. July 16, Cultural Center Multipurpose Room


    The UofL Black Faculty/Staff Association will host two sessions to encourage employees interested in utilizing UofL’s wonderful tuition remission benefit to attend school. Learn about the challenges and successes of employees who have returned to school or have completed their degree. Staff from the ELFH Organizational Leadership and Learning program will be on hand to talk about degree programs designed for adult learners. Lunch and dinner will be provided at no charge. All are welcome

    Additional Information: Marian Vasser

    Health and Wellness

    2.) Improve Your Mind and Your Body with Music!

    12:30 p.m. July 19, University Club, Belknap Campus; 12:30 p.m. July 25, Room K2023, Nursing School K Building, Health Sciences Center

    Join Get Healthy Now for a “hands-on” music, drumming, and healing Take 20 with Alice Cash, PhD. “For thousands of years, humans have quieted, comforted, soothed and energized themselves with music, rhythm and sounds of all kinds. Now, thanks to the research of musicologists, music therapists, physicians, nurses, neuroscientists and more, we understand how to use music more intentionally,” Cash said. Feel free to drop in.

    Additional Information: If you’d like to register, please go here. Learn more about Healing Music Enterprises.  Contact: Paula Kommor, 852-0128.

    HR Items of Interest

    3.) Investments representative on campus

    July 15

    TIAA-CREF consultant Pat Long will be on Belknap Campus in HR on July 16, July 24, Aug. 7, Aug 15 and Aug. 20; and on HSC Campus July 17, July 30, Aug. 8 and Aug. 22. Call 1-800-732-8353 to schedule an appointment. Fidelity Investments consultant Brian Lewin will be on Belknap Campus in HR on July 17, July 25, Aug. 6, Aug. 14 and Aug.26; and on HSC Campus July 16, Aug. 7, Aug. 19 and Aug. 29. Call 1-800-642-7131 to schedule an appointment or log into www.Fidelity.com/atwork/reservations.

    Additional Information: Human Resources Benefits, 852-3167


    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janene Zaccone, editor, Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171.

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