February 12, 2018 Announcements


    Monday, February 12, 2018



    UofL’s Forcht Center for Entrepreneurship will once again host the Brown-Forman Cardinal Challenge, featuring 12 MBA teams from across the U.S. and Canada competing for nearly $100,000 in business startup cash and prizes. The event, Feb. 16-17, will include UofL’s own team, Mindful Mix.




    Kimcherie Lloyd, professor and Director of Orchestral Studies in the School of Music, recently returned from the College Orchestra Director’s Association National Conference where she was elected to the national board. A founding member of the organization, Lloyd will be the twelfth president and only the second woman elected to national leadership. She will serve as president in 2020 and will provide administrative and artistic leadership for the national conference in 2021.


    UofL Today with Mark Hebert

    WHAS-TV, Great Day Live

    Mondays at 9:30 a.m. Segments can be found on YouTube. WHAS-TV and WLKY-TV also run the UofL stories in their Monday afternoon and Saturday morning newscasts, respectively
    Monday, Feb. 12: A UofL employee has two new lungs courtesy of the UofL transplant team. The lungs are working so well that Steven Lindseyhas run six half marathons and climbed 38 flights of stairs. 


    Radio Show

    Airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 6 p.m. on 93.9 FM TheVille; replayed on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Podcasts can be found online. This week:
    Monday, Feb. 12: UofL psychiatry professor Steven O’Connor discusses new approaches to treating veterans with suicidal tendencies. Ashok Kumar and Kyle Bohnert from UofL Medical School study muscle mass. The African American Read-In is coming up.  Fannie Mae Cox and Joan D’Antoni discuss. Betty Baye is one of the organizers of the Black Family Conference
    Tuesday, Feb. 13: UofL senior Stevonte Wood’s mother and brother were murdered 8 years ago. One of the detectives who worked on that case is now a mentor and friend – Will Brown of the UofL Police Department. Astronomy professor Gerry Williger discusses SpaceX rocket and more


    Metro TV and KET KY – The Kentucky Channel

    (Metro TV – Ch. 99 on UVerse, Ch. 184 on Spectrum): Monday and Tuesday nights at 7:30, Thursday 6:30 p.m., Friday 8:30 p.m. and Sunday 9:30 p.m. (KET KY – Ch. 192 on TWC, other channels): Thursdays at 5 p.m., Fridays at 8 a.m., Mondays at 6:30 a.m., Tuesdays at 2 p.m.  Watch the Metro TV shows on UofL’s YouTube channel

    This week: UofL has a new Superfund Research Center looking at pollution and its health impacts, particularly on the heart. Sanjay Srivastava discusses. Patrick Possel and Jason Immelkus from CEHD discuss their research on students’ attitudes toward teachers.



    Sidewalk closure notification

    Beginning Feb. 12
    The Louisville Water Company is running a new 12-inch water main, running parallel to the South side of Eastern Parkway. The main will begin in front of Ernst Hall, and run under the sidewalk, to the west side of Brook Street. The sidewalk will be closed for the duration. The Main entrance of Ernst Hall will remain open for pedestrian access. (Bicycle and golf cart access will be restricted). Vehicle traffic will not be disturbed at the Speed School’s main entrance. The temporary fence installation, in front of Ernst Hall, will begin Monday, February 12. Contractors will then begin mobilizing equipment and materials to the site. The pipe work will take approximately two weeks to complete and they intend to have a concrete crew immediately following to restore the sidewalk. Weather permitting, this will take approximately one month to complete this portion of work. Weather will be an important factor in meeting this goal. Contractors will secure the area between the intramural field, and Eastern Parkway for everyone’s safety.


    Group outings with Louisville Basketball available

    Bring your group* to a men’s or women’s basketball game and $5 of every ticket purchased will go back to a scholarship of your choice (*50-person minimum). Group benefits include: pre-game reception; visit from UofL Athletics special guest; food and beverage access; donation to scholarship for UofL students. Cost is $10 for women’s basketball and $30 for men’s basketball.
    Additional Information: George Barbetto, 852-3331


    Staff Senate meets today

    2:30 p.m., Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library
    The UofL Staff Senate will meet this afternoon in Chao Auditorium. All employees are welcome. Meeting information, including the agenda, is available online.


    Staff Help and Relief Effort available for employees

    S.H.A.R.E. is Staff Senate’s employee emergency financial assistance fund. It was created to help staff who are facing financial hardship immediately after a natural disaster or unforeseen personal hardship. The SHARE fund relies primarily on individual donations from employees. Contributions can be made through payroll deduction, UofL online giving or Kroger Community Rewards cards. If you’re interested in applying, read the guidelines to find out if you meet criteria and then fill out an application online. The maximum award of financial assistance per application is $500. No identifying information is provided to the SHARE committee charged with reviewing applications.
    Additional Information: Email


    Faculty/staff invited to participate in market research initiative

    The University of Louisville is about to embark on a comprehensive market research initiative in partnership with SimpsonScarborough, a higher education marketing firm. The purpose of this effort is to discern UofL’s market position, identify its differentiation points, understand the key drivers of our various target audiences, and develop an authentic and compelling brand strategy that tells a more precise story about our culture and our people. On March 5 and 6, members of the SimpsonScarborough team will come to UofL to kick off the project. They will host several small meetings where the university community is invited to share perceptions of UofL. The team is seeking 20 to 25 faculty members and 8 to 10 staff members to participate in these meetings. Faculty can participate in one of two 45-minute sessions to be held on Belknap Campus. Staff can participate in one 45-minute session to be held on Belknap Campus. If you are interested in participating, please fill out this survey by Tuesday, Feb. 20. Those selected will receive confirmation of their participation by Thursday, Feb. 22.
    Additional Information: Erica Walsh


    African American Read-In

    February 15, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Ekstrom Library Learning Commons (1E Lobby)
    The University Libraries the English Department celebrate Black History Month with the annual African American Read-In. Faculty, staff, students, and community participants are invited to read aloud from books by their favorite African American authors. Free books go to readers, and drawings will be held for further book giveaways. To schedule time to read, contact Joan D’Antoni at 852-6857 or via email


    Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP)

    The SROP provides UofL undergraduate students who would like to know more about graduate-level education at the university, with a 10-week research-intensive experience in a department that offers graduate degrees. Mentors will provide students with individualized research projects. All UofL departments with graduate programs will be supported. Students should be, preferably, in their sophomore or junior year of study. The deadline is March 15. See the website for more information.


    2018 Student Award call for nominations

    March 1, 5 p.m. deadline
    The 2018 Student Awards are open to all UofL students and Recognized Student Organizations. Twenty-three categories encompass Group and Individual awards including Outstanding Student and Outstanding Student Employee. Some awards receive a financial reward. Nominations are being accepted and can be made by faculty, staff and students. Award applications can be found online. The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. March 1.
    Additional Information: Julia Onnembo, 852-0317


    Master of Public Health (MPH) prospective student information session

    February 20, noon to 1 p.m., Belknap/Ekstrom Rm W210; Free lunch with RSVP
    The School of Public Health and Information Sciences (SPHIS) will host information sessions to allow undergraduate, graduate, professional, and medical students to learn what the MPH has to offer in Biostatistics, Health Promotion & Behavior, Epidemiology, Health Policy, Population Health Management, and Global Public Health/emphasis on Maternal and Child Health. RSVP via email.
    Additional Information: Website


    School of Public Health Preview Day

    February 24, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., School of Public Health and Information Sciences, HSC Campus, 485 E. Gray St.; Free
    Interested in learning more about public health and the degree programs offered by the School of Public Health and Information Sciences? Do you want to use your tuition remission? If so, you should attend Public Health Preview Day. Attend this event and get your application fee waived. Attendees will also receive a free t-shirt, UofL swag, and free meals (light breakfast and lunch).
    Additional Information:  Tammi Alvey Thomas, 852-3289



    Department of Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series hosts Dr. Virginia Miller

    February 15, 12-1 p.m.,  Room 123, Clinical and Translational Research Building
    The Department of Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series presents Dr. Virginia Miller, PhD, “Unexpected observations while exploring early stages of bubonic plague.” Miller is a Professor of Genetics with the University of Chapel Hill School of Medicine.
    Additional Information: Lisa Hagan


    Training and Workshops

    PLAN hosts workshop on using technology for effective teaching

    February 13, 2-4 p.m., 104, Ekstrom Library, Belknap Campus
    Are you a GTA wanting to learn ways to use technology effectively in your classes? This workshop is designed to help GTAs learn about, choose and integrate classroom technologies that will help them teach more effectively and will provide participants with an understanding of how using various tech platforms can enhance students’ knowledge of research skills, group collaboration, and in-class discussion. Grad students interested in attending can register and find more info on the PLAN website.
    Additional Information: PLAN websiteDr. Michelle Rodems, 852-3110


    PLAN hosts workshop on building your teaching portfolio for the job market

    February 15, 2-4 p.m., 105, Houchens, Belknap Campus
    Where do you capture your reflections about what teaching strategies and assignments work – and which ones don’t – so that you can chart a course of improvement as a teacher? In this interactive session, we will consider the benefits of starting and maintaining a teaching portfolio, consider some different types of portfolios, and identify the items that should be included. Grad students interested in attending can register and find more information on the PLAN website.
    Additional Information: PLAN websitecalendar listingDr. Michelle Rodems, 852-3110


    CPR training available

    February 12, 8 a.m. to noon, HSC-B, Instructional Bldg., Room 307, 500 So. Preston, Louisville, 40202; $40
    In addition to the Feb. 12 session, other sessions are available, including: March 8, 8 a.m. to noon; March 15, noon to 4 p.m.; March 29, 8 a.m. to noon; April 11, noon to 4 p.m.; and April 26, 8 a.m. to noon.
    Additional Information: Stuart Crawford, 852-2219 or Kevin Martin, 852-3384


    PLAN hosts workshop on how to effectively present your research

    February 16, 1-3 p.m., 105, Houchens, Belknap campus
    This workshop will prepare students to effectively present their research at an academic conference or other public forum. Students will learn practical strategies for dealing with stage fright, best strategies for communicating information during an oral presentation, strategies for creating and presenting scientific posters and how to handle the author session for discussing their poster during an academic conference. Grad students interested can register and find more info on the PLAN website
    Additional Information: PLAN websitecalendar listingDr. Michelle Rodems, 852-3110


    Conflict Resolution Training

    February 22, 10:30 a.m. to noon, Human Resources, 1980 Arthur St.; Free
    Conflict on the job is a universal phenomenon and, if left unchecked, can have a destructive effect on productivity, teamwork and morale. Dispelling the fear and discomfort people often feel with conflict, this workshop focuses on ways to turn conflict into productive energy and navigate conflict effectively. Training is at Human Resources, 1980 Arthur Street. Register to attend
    Additional Information: Website 



    Participants needed for a study of childhood emotions

    Life Sciences 363; IRB #13.0923
    The UofL Anxiety and Stress in Kids Lab is conducting a study of emotions in childhood. Parents and their children ages 7 to 13 are eligible and children do not need to be experiencing any emotional difficulties to participate. Participants will receive a report outlining your child’s social and emotional functioning. Call 502-852-2351, visit the website or email for more information.
    Additional Information: P.I. Janet Woodruff-Borden




    Direct questions about UofL Today to Alicia Kelso, 852-2670, or the Office of Communication & Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    + Submit an announcement

    Alicia Kelso
    Alicia Kelso is the director of social media and digital content. She joined UofL in 2015 as director of communications at the Brandeis School of Law. She also serves as a senior contributor at Forbes.com, writing about the restaurant industry, which she has covered since 2010. Her work has been featured in publications around the world, including NPR, Bloomberg, The Seattle Times, Good Morning America and Franchise Asia Magazine.