Feb. 6, 2015 Announcements


    Welcome to the UofL Today email! Want to know more about what is going on at UofL? Visit UofL Today online for articles, videos, photos, campus-submitted announcements and the UofL event calendar. Want to submit an announcement? Click here.


    Here’s what was posted to UofL Today on Feb. 5, 2015:


    ·       MULTIMEDIA: UofL celebrates largest gift to Cardinal Covenant program. Read more. Watch the video here. See photos here.

    ·       TEDxUofL focuses on interconnectedness. Read more.





    Today is the annual Celebration of Teaching and Learning conference, which has been hosted by the Delphi Center since 2004. Since its inception, more than 2,200 UofL faculty and staff have taken part, participating in workshops ranging from how to improve student engagement to integrating technology in courses. The conference also includes the reception for the 2013-2014 Faculty Favorites. The keynote speaker for the 2015 conference is author Linda B. Nilson.




    Campus-Submitted Announcement List


    UofL Health Plan

    1.) UofL health insurance provider victim of cyber attack

    Parking Alert

    2.) MITC lot to reopen Monday


    3.) Wear red today and pick up your free ‘Go Red’ button

    4.) Free bike tune-ups and repair

    Health and Wellness

    5.) GHN offers free weekend group fitness classes


    6.) Delphi Center offers ‘Transforming the Teaching and Learning Environment’

    7.) Retirement Planning Workshop scheduled for next month

    8.) Library class visits are available

    9.) 2015 graduate student grant opportunities announced

    10.) 2015 undergraduate research grants announced

    11.) Part-Time Faculty Institute focuses on students in distress


    12.) Baby boomer and older adult needs assessment



    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    UofL Health Plan

    1.) UofL health insurance provider victim of cyber attack

    UofL is working closely with Anthem, Inc., the parent company of our health insurance provider, which was the victim of a highly sophisticated cyber attack.

    Anthem has informed us that its member data was accessed, and could include that of our employees. This could affect only employees who are covered under the University of Louisville health plan. Anthem has created a website – www.anthemfacts.com – and a hotline, 1-877-263-7995, for its members to call for more information, and shared these Frequently Asked Questions to further explain the cyber attack. We will continue to keep you updated on Anthem’s ongoing investigation in hopes to find out who committed the attack, and why.

    Additional Information: If you have any questions, please call the Anthem hotline, 1-877-263-7995, or HR at 502-852-7965.


    Parking Alert

    2.) MITC lot to reopen Monday

    Feb. 9

    The MITC parking lot that was closed due to construction is scheduled to reopen Monday, Feb. 9.



    3.) Wear red today and pick up your free ‘Go Red’ button

    Instructional Building, #120

    Don’t forget to wear red in support of Wear Red Day and stop in the UofL Women’s Center satellite office in the Instructional Building to pick up your Go Red button and informational items. Call 852-8891 or 852-8976 for more information.

    Additional Information: womenctr@louisville.edu.


    4.) Free bike tune-ups and repair

    Feb. 6, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Humanities Quad

    Bring your bike to the Quad today from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for free repair and tune-ups at a special Pop-Up Cycle Station brought to you by the Louisville Student Cycling Coalition and ELSB Green Initiatives. We’ll also be registering bikes with UofL (it’s free and helps with recovery if your bike is ever stolen or impounded). Register and get a free bike bell!

    Additional Information: https://www.facebook.com/events/345458542325221/.


    Health and Wellness

    5.) GHN offers free weekend group fitness classes

    Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym

    Free for members at the GHN Wellness Center

    Did you know the Get Healthy Now Wellness Center offers group fitness classes on Saturdays? Start your weekend off right with our Functional Fitness (9:30 – 10:15 a.m.) and BootCamp Express (1:00pm – 1:30pm) classes. Enjoy a workout designed to nourish your spine, revitalize your postural muscles, and strengthen your core with Functional Fitness and don’t miss a beat with a shortened version of our always popular interval training BootCamp class. See you Saturday!

    Additional Information: https://louisville.edu/gethealthynow/documents/group-fitness-schedule ghn@louisville.edu, 852-7755.



    6.) Delphi Center offers ‘Transforming the Teaching and Learning Environment’

    Feb. 9 to Feb. 20, Online


    The Delphi Center is pleased to offer faculty and staff unlimited access to Transforming the Teaching and Learning Environment: the PASSHE Virtual Conference, which includes 60 one-hour online sessions on titles from Emerging Technologies to Organizational Best Practices to Mobile Learning and more. All sessions will also be recorded and can be viewed on demand.

    Additional Information: Aimee Greene, 852-4482. https://louisville-web.ungerboeck.com/reg/reg_p1_form.aspx?oc=10&ct=TLREG&eventid=27265.


    7.) Retirement Planning Workshop scheduled for next month

    March 2, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., College of Business, Room 336


    Register now to attend a two-hour retirement workshop sponsored by the School of Accountancy and presented by faculty member and certified financial planner Sheila Johnston, CPA. Topics include discussion of UofL options, amounts needed for retirement, basic retirement issues and much more.

    Additional Information: Sheila Johnston, sheila.johnston@louisville.edu, 852-4820.


    8.) Library class visits are available

    Teaching a research assignment this semester? Do your students know where to get help? A library representative will stop by your class for five minutes to provide brief information about research assistance, including our consultation services and online guides.

    Additional Information: Josh Whitacre, 852-8699.


    9.) 2015 graduate student grant opportunities announced

    This initiative will focus on supporting UofL graduate student research that targets diverse, underserved, under-represented and/or vulnerable populations. We expect to award three projects (for a max of $1,000 each). Any student research project submitted for funding must have UofL faculty supervision and appropriate institutional approval. Research projects can come from any discipline represented at UofL. For detailed information visit: https://louisville.edu/codre/Applications.

    Additional Information: Georgette L. Moore, 852-2029.


    10.) 2015 undergraduate research grants announced

    CODRE and the Office of Associate VP Research and Innovation offers diversity grants for minority undergraduate students conducting research in the areas of science, technology, engineering and/or math. This funding initiative will be focused on support of UofL minority undergraduate student conducting research in the area of science, technology, engineering and/or math. Any student research project submitted for funding must have UofL faculty supervision and appropriate institutional approval. For detailed information visit: https://louisville.edu/codre/Applications.

    Additional Information: Georgette L. Moore, 852-2029.


    11.) Part-Time Faculty Institute focuses on students in distress

    Feb. 12, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Delphi Center, Ekstrom Library, room 244

    Students have many physical and mental stresses that impact their performance in the academic context. University resources exist to help students, but faculty members may not know how to find these resources to help students who may need assistance. Using case studies, we will explore practical suggestions with regard to a range of challenges, from proper responses for disruptive students in class to knowing where and how to refer/help students find resources they may need.

    Additional Information: For additional information and to register.



    12.) Baby boomer and older adult needs assessment

    IRB # 14.1297

    If you live in Jefferson, Bullitt, Henry, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer or Trimble counties in Kentucky and are 50 years of age or older, we want you to have a voice as to what social services are needed for older adults, their caregivers and persons with disabilities who live in your region. Please complete a needs assessment that can help our local area Agency on Aging and Independent Living plan its service delivery system. KIPDA Needs Assessment

    Additional Information: Anna Faul or Joe D’Ambrosio, 852-7374. Website.



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    Submit an announcement