Feb. 18, 2014 Announcements

    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    1.) Author, producer to speak at University Club’s Dynamic Women Luncheon

    2.) Red Barn watch party set for UofL vs. Cincinnati game

    3.) International Banquet to showcase food, performances from around the world

    Health and Wellness

    4.) Caregiving workshop today to focus on ‘self-advocacy’


    5.) Provost offering women’s basketball tickets to faculty and staff

    6.) Master of Science in Social Work information session for prospective students

    7.) Roberson Fund supports travel to Africa


    8.) Faculty/staff needed to participate in compassionate love study


    9.) Physiology and Biophysics, ‘Modulation of Visceral Blood Flow Following Shock’

    10.) Cognitive Case Conference

    11.) James L. Stambaugh Jr., M.D. Lecture in Humanities in Medicine

    Grand Rounds

    12.) Endocrinology: ‘Active Steps for Diabetes’


    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    1.) Author, producer to speak at University Club’s Dynamic Women Luncheon

    Noon – 1:15 p.m. Feb. 19, University Club


    On Wednesday, Feb. 19, the University Club is hosting the Dynamic Women Series Luncheon. Our speaker will be Nancy Miller, author of “100 Fascinating Louisville Women” and “Secrets of Louisville Chefs Cookbook Volumes One, Two and Three;” co-producer of the television shows Louisville at Home and Entertaining by Design; and current writer for the Courier Journal and Her Scene. The cost is $15 inclusive. Call 852-6996 for reservations.

    Additional Information: Linda Johnson, 852-6996. Uclublouisville.org.

    2.) Red Barn watch party set for UofL vs. Cincinnati game

    11:15 a.m. Feb. 22, Red Barn

    Free, public

    Cheer on your Cards against the Cincinnati Bearcats and enjoy free lunch and more courtesy of the Arts and Sciences Ambassadors and the Red Barn Alumni Association. If you register in advance, you automatically will be entered into a drawing for a special A&S gift. The Red Barn Alumni Association will have other door prizes, including two autographed basketballs, one signed by Coach Denny Crum and another signed by Darrell Griffith; and an autographed copy of Rick Pitino’s book, “The One-Day Contract.”

    Additional Information: To register, click here.

    3.) International Banquet to showcase food, performances from around the world

    7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Feb. 22, Student Activities Center Multipurpose Room

    $5, Students; $10, public, faculty and staff

    The American International Relations Club is proud to present the 2014 International Banquet that will showcase performances and food from around the world. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the International Center Monday through Friday, or at the IPIBS/Graduate Affairs Office, HSC Instructional Building Room 120, on Tuesday only. Remaining tickets will be sold at the door.

    Additional Information: Facebook pageAshley Gray-Ziba.

    Health and Wellness

    4.) Caregiving workshop today to focus on ‘self-advocacy’

    Noon – 12:45 p.m. Feb. 18, Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library

    Free, UofL employees, retirees and their spouses/qualifying adults

    Don’t miss this new series for those caring for a grand/child, parent, relative or friend. UofL’s Caregiving Workshop Series is designed to support those caring for another by providing access to important resources, inspiring group support and promoting self-care. Today’s topic, “Caregiving and a System of Support: Tips for Self-Advocacy,” will be presented by JoAnn Kalb and Mauri Malka. The Caregiving Workshop Series is presented by Get Healthy Now and the Great Places to Work Work-Life Balance Committee.

    Additional information: Stephanie Weldy, 852-6549. UofL Today article.


    5.) Provost offering women’s basketball tickets to faculty and staff

    The Office of the Provost is offering a limited number of free tickets to faculty and staff for the women’s basketball games against Rutgers on Sunday, Feb.23, and against Connecticut on Monday, March 3. One hundred tickets are available for the Rutgers game and 300 for the UConn game. Tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday at the Belknap Campus ticket office at Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium and at the EVPHA Office, third floor of the Abell Administration Building at the Health Sciences Center. Employees must show an ID, and each person is limited to four tickets.

    6.) Master of Science in Social Work information session for prospective students

    5 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. Feb. 19, Room 114, Oppenheimer Hall, Kent School of Social Work

    Are you interested in a profession dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals, families and communities? Come find out if the versatile Master of Science in Social Work is the right graduate program for you. The next sessions will be Wednesday, Feb. 19; Wednesday, March 5; or Wednesday, March 19, at the Kent School of Social Work. RSVP to reserve your space today. Part-time, weekend and online class options available.

    Additional Information: Sarah Caragianis, msswkent@louisville.edu.

    7.) Roberson Fund supports travel to Africa

    Interested in Africa? Funds may be available. The annual Roberson Fund for African Studies supports students, faculty and staff wishing to travel during the summer to locations within Africa. Distributions will be used primarily to fund those engaged in scholarly activities in Northern Ghana; other locations in Africa are considered as well. Deadline is March 14. More information. Contact Virginia Hosono with inquiries.


    8.) Faculty/staff needed to participate in compassionate love study

    IRB# 13.0795

    The Compassionate Love Study is in its last two weeks of data collection, and your help is needed. We are trying to get as many UofL staff and faculty to complete the study so that we will be able to report on compassionate levels of love at the university. Please consider participating. You can access the link at louisville.edu/kent/love-study. The study provides a report at the end so be sure to print it for your records.

    Additional Information: Joseph G. D’Ambrosio, 502-852-7374 or 502-376-1666, or Annatjie C. Faul, 502-852-1981.


    9.) Physiology and Biophysics, ‘Modulation of Visceral Blood Flow Following Shock’

    11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Feb. 18, Auditorium, Baxter I Research Building


    The Department of Physiology and Biophysics presents a seminar, “Modulation of Visceral Blood Flow Following Shock,” by Jason W. Smith, MD, PhD, associate professor of surgery, Division of General Surgery, UofL School of Medicine.

    Additional Information: Department of Surgery.

    10.) Cognitive Case Conference

    8 a.m. – 9 a.m. Feb. 19, Suite 610, UofL Health Care Outpatient Center, 401 E. Chestnut St.


    Mitesh Lotia, MD, Department of Neurology, will present “Rapidly Progressive Dementia and Gait Disturbance in a 71-Year-Old Woman” at the Cognitive Case Conference.

    Additional Information: Margaret Feldman, 588-5260.

    11.) James L. Stambaugh Jr., M.D. Lecture in Humanities in Medicine

    Noon – 1 p.m. Feb. 27, Kornhauser Library Auditorium, Health Sciences Center


    Janet Malek, PhD, associate professor, Department of Bioethics and Interdisciplinary Studies, East Carolina University, will present “Honesty and Obfuscation in Medical Training: The Value of Partnering with Patients.” Malek argues that transparency with patients is both ethically and practically preferable, and that enlisting patients in the learning process can improve both educational outcomes and the learning environment as a whole. A box lunch will be provided for those who rsvp to gheens@louisville.edu by noon Tuesday, Feb. 25.

    Grand Rounds

    12.) Endocrinology: ‘Active Steps for Diabetes’

    4 p.m. Feb. 19, lower level, Room 038, Baxter II Research Building, Health Sciences Center


    Please join us as Gina Pariser, PhD; associate professor; doctor of physical therapy, Bellarmine University, presents “Active Steps for Diabetes: A Community Campus Partnership for Addressing Frailty and Diabetes.”

    Additional Information: Kelly Galiette, 852-5237.


    Direct questions about UofL Today to the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171.

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