Campus-Submitted Announcements
1.) Planetarium: Skies over Louisville: Winter Edition
2.) 2014 ACES Black and Latino Student Symposium
3.) Health and Wellness
4.) Call for Summer Research Scholar Project submissions
5.) Lab safety, hazardous waste training and radiation safety orientation programs set
6.) 2014 Intramural Research Grants Deadline is March 24
7.) Part-time Faculty Institute: ‘Building Better Thinkers’
8.) Research Study for drug to prevent nausea and vomiting in children
9.) Pain study for infants and toddlers less than 2 years
10.) Adolescent Fibromyalgia Study, 12 to 17 years
Campus-Submitted Announcements
1.) Planetarium: Skies over Louisville: Winter Edition
8 p.m. Feb. 14, Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium
Join us for the winter edition of our monthly Skies Over Louisville live star and constellation presentation. Telescopes on the terrace with LAS follow, weather permitting. Top off the evening by staying for the Laser U2 show at 9 p.m. Special pricing for UofL faculty, staff and students: $6 per person for one program, $11 per person for two programs.
Additional Information:, 852-6664 or online.
2.) 2014 ACES Black and Latino Student Symposium
9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Feb. 14, Ekstrom Library
Registration is open for the 2014 ACES Black and Latino Student Symposium Feb. 14. The symposium provides a forum to discuss issues and programs relating to the access to and success in college among Black and Latino students. Registration is free, and lunch is provided for those who register before Feb. 11. Faculty and staff, students and community members are encouraged to join the discussions and listen to keynote addresses by Hasan Davis, JD, and Anne-Marie Nuñez, PhD.
Additional information: Visit the ACES Symposium website or contact Katie Adamchik orCarson Byrd.
Health and Wellness
3.) Free blood pressure screenings set on three campuses
Times vary, Feb. 12, Belknap; Feb. 19, Health Sciences Center; Feb. 26, Shelby Campus, Burhans Hall
Free, employees, retirees and their spouses/QA
Get Healthy Now is hitting the road and bringing wellness to your unit. In honor of American Heart Month, GHN will perform free blood pressure screenings for employees on location at all three campuses. Contact us to schedule an appointment for your department or unit to take part in our heart healthy event. Flyer
Additional Information: 852-7755, Get Healthy Now.
4.) Call for Summer Research Scholar Project submissions
Summer research projects are now being solicited from faculty to submit a biomedical summer research project for our medical students. The student’s stipend support and poster production costs are covered by the School of Medicine’s Summer Research Scholar Program (SRSP) and NIH training grants. To submit a project, go to Project Submission. Deadline isMarch 7.
Additional Information: HSC Research Office, 852-7794.
5.) Lab safety, hazardous waste training and radiation safety orientation programs set
9 a.m. – noon Feb. 13, Auditorium, Donald Baxter I Building, HSC Campus
Recently hired lab employees who work with chemicals should attend the Lab Safety/Hazardous Waste session, 9 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Recurrent training for lab employees is required every three years. Individuals who will work with or around radioactive materials should attend the Radiation Safety Orientation session, which is from 11:15 a.m. to noon. Bring employee/student ID number to sign in.
Additional Information: Cathy Price, 852-2956.
6.) 2014 Intramural Research Grants Deadline is March 24
March 24
The Office of the EVPRI is accepting applications for Intramural Research Grants. This internal research grant program aims to provide funds for projects for which the investigator intends to seek external funding. All grant categories are open to full-time faculty. Term faculty, one year or less, are ineligible for MRG, PCG, RIG, and URG grants.
Additional Information: Internal grants.
7.) Part-time Faculty Institute: ‘Building Better Thinkers’
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Feb. 13, Delphi Center, Room 244, Ekstrom Library
What intellectual traits do we hope to promote in our students? What strategies can instructors deploy to foster key critical thinking skills in course structure, assignments and teaching strategies? How can instructors model intellectual traits in meaningful ways? Join Nisha Gupta, PhD, for dinner as we discuss and reflect upon intellectual traits and offer practical strategies and activities that support the development of intellectual traits in our students.
Additional Information or to register: Delphi Center.
8.) Research Study for drug to prevent nausea and vomiting in children
IRB #12.0552
The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate the safety and dose response of a drug given orally prior to a scheduled surgery that is used to prevent post-operative nausea and vomiting. Children from birth to 17 years of age may be eligible for participation. Subjects may be compensated for time/travel. If your child is scheduled or being scheduled for surgery, please call 629-5820 or 620-0000 (pager) to speak to study personnel or email Carla Rich?.
9.) Pain study for infants and toddlers less than 2 years
IRB #12.0228
The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate acetaminophen given into a vein to treat moderate to severe pain in infants and children less than 2 years of age following surgery or an injury. Subjects may be compensated for time/travel.
For more information, contact Tressa Bratton, 629-5820 or 620-0000 (pager).
10.) Adolescent Fibromyalgia Study, 12 to 17 years
IRB # 10.0116
The Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational medication being studied as a possible treatment for fibromyalgia. Adolescents ages 12 to 17 years old who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia may be eligible for participation. If qualified, child will receive the study medication or placebo and study-related care at no cost. Parents may be compensated for their time/travel.
For more information, call 629-5820 or 620-0000 (pager).
Direct questions about UofL Today to the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171.