Dec. 6, 2013 Announcements


    Campus-Submitted Announcements

    Health and Wellness

    1.) Get Healthy Now Walk-to-Run Club is back

    Information Technology

    2.) Network preventive maintenance Friday night


    3.) Angel Tree for Animals

    4.) Health Sciences Campus’ Kornhauser Library provides snacks during final exams

    5.) iClicker/iClickerGo Demo

    6.) “ISON: An Icy Winter Tail” at the planetarium


    7.) Request for your input: Worksite Wellness research study


    8.) Critical Reflection Workshop with Patti Clayton


    Campus-Submitted Announcements

    Health and Wellness

    1.) Get Healthy Now Walk-to-Run Club is back

    5:15 p.m. Jan. 16, Get Healthy Now Wellness Center, Humana Gym, 601 Presidents Blvd.

    Free for employees/retirees and their spouses/qualifying adults

    Winter approaches quickly, and so does race season. Are you planning on participating in events like the Louisville Triple Crown and/or the Kentucky Derby Festival Mini-Marathon? If so, join Get Healthy Now’s Walk-to-Run Club. The 12-week training group led by professional staff will help you learn proper technique/form, gradually increase your endurance and pace, and meet your training goals. Walk-to-Run Club sessions will be held Thursdays at 5:15 p.m. beginning Jan. 16. Join the club now.

    Additional information: GHN, 852-7755.

    Information Technology

    2.) Network preventive maintenance Friday night

    10 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6, to 2 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 7

    Users will experience intermittent outages as the network undergoes maintenance activities during IT’s regular preventive maintenance period. Please note that other systems (e.g. Blackboard, email, instant messaging, PeopleSoft, ULink, data services, etc.) may be taken offline without notice. For complete information on IT’s preventive maintenance period, visit website, email, or call the IT HelpDesk, 852-7997.


    3.) Angel Tree for Animals

    4 p.m. Dec. 20, lower level lobby, Houchens Building

    This is a friendly reminder that the Angel Tree for Animals will take donations in the lower level of the Houchens building. All donations will benefit area shelters and rescues. Lists of needed items are available at the tree or via email. If you wish to make a cash or gift card donation, please contact Julie Oechsli in Room 32 of Houchens Building.

    Additional Information: Julie Oechsli, 852-1489.

    4.) Health Sciences Center’s Kornhauser Library provides snacks during final exams

    To have the necessary fuel to get through final exams, snacks and coffee will be provided to students throughout the day, Saturday, Dec. 7, through Thursday, Dec. 12. Many thanks to City Café for providing coffee during finals as they have for almost a decade.

    Additional Information: Kornhauser Library website.

    5.) iClicker/iClickerGo Demo

    Noon – 2 p.m. Dec. 10, Room 244, Delphi Center Lab, Ekstrom Library


    Please join the Delphi Center and Glen Garrett from iClicker for lunch and a session about iClicker/iClickerGo. iClicker is a tool that allows students to submit answers for in-class polling, and iClickerGo adds the convenience of using a smart phone or laptop as a substitute clicker. Lunch will be provided for this session. Please RSVP to Linda Leake, 852-4332, so we have an accurate lunch count.

    6.) ISON: An Icy Winter Tail

    4 p.m. – 5 p.m. Dec. 7, Gheens Science Hall & Rauch Planetarium


    Comet ISON may have vaporized, but plans are still going strong for a presentation on comets Dec. 7 at the planetarium. In ancient times they were considered bad omens and harbingers of death — today they are awe-inspiring, but somewhat fragile, dirty snowballs. Come by for this free, family-friendly presentation to learn more!

    Additional Information: Kim Whitehead,, 502-852-0214.


    7.) Request for your input: Worksite Wellness research study


    Deadline: Dec. 6, online

    UofL employees, retirees, and their spouses/qualifying adults

    Support Get Healthy Now to better understand your perceptions of the wellness program and what factors affect a positive and healthy work environment for employees. Completion of the voluntary, confidential survey takes about 15 minutes and asks about your perceptions of workplace wellness. This is an IRB approved research study. If you have any questions or comments about this study, contact ELFH doctoral candidate Jennifer Hoert, 502-396-4869. Click this link to get started.


    8.) Critical Reflection Workshop with Patti Clayton

    8:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Jan. 17, Room 201, Miller Information and Technology Center


    Ideas to Action and Action into Ideas: Consider the meaning and role of critical reflection as the connector between students’ experiential learning and critical thinking during this interactive workshop with Patti Clayton, PhD. Participants will examine a research-grounded model for designing critical reflection in light of learning goals. Registration is now open. Learn more and register here.


    Direct questions about UofL Today to the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171.

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