Thursday, April 6, 2017
UofL’s fleet of lawnmowers runs on propane rather than gasoline, a change made in 2011 to use less fuel and help reduce the university’s carbon footprint.
Dr. Baron Kelly, UofL’s head of Acting, recently returned from London’s Central School of Speech and Drama, where he served as a guest instructor leading master classes in acting technique. Students at the school invited Kelly to return this summer.
Learn about Panopto, UofL’s new lecture capture tool
UofL has selected a new lecture capture partner to replace Tegrity. Tegrity will no longer be available as of May 10, 2017. The new system, Panopto, is currently available for all users with a Ulink account and can be used in online, face-to-face, or hybrid courses. Beginning in late April, all Tegrity recordings created after January 1, 2015 will be imported into Panopto. If you wish to save recordings created prior to January 1, 2015, send an email to bbsupport@louisville.edu.
Additional Information: Website
Additional Information: Website
Dates set for annual Open Walls faculty/staff art exhibit
June 12-29, opening reception June 14, noon to 2 p.m.
The annual show for faculty and staff will run from June 12 through June 29 in the Photographic Archives gallery, part of Archives & Special Collections, in the Ekstrom Library. The exhibit is an opportunity for UofL employees who are not professional or exhibited artists to share their work. Employee visual artists who want to participate should submit the registration form via email by 5 p.m. June 2, 2017. Click here for the form. Past Open Walls participants are encouraged to exhibit; please enter artwork that is new to Open Walls.
Additional Information: Alicia Kelso, 852-2670
The annual show for faculty and staff will run from June 12 through June 29 in the Photographic Archives gallery, part of Archives & Special Collections, in the Ekstrom Library. The exhibit is an opportunity for UofL employees who are not professional or exhibited artists to share their work. Employee visual artists who want to participate should submit the registration form via email by 5 p.m. June 2, 2017. Click here for the form. Past Open Walls participants are encouraged to exhibit; please enter artwork that is new to Open Walls.
Additional Information: Alicia Kelso, 852-2670
AFSP UofL’s Out of the Darkness Campus Walk
April 9, 3-5:30 p.m., Belknap Campus Humanities Quad
#WhyWeWalk Join us in our efforts to prevent suicide. It is important to note that there is no single cause of suicide. Suicide most often occurs when several stressors and health issues converge to create an experience of hopelessness and despair.
Additional Information: Tracie Meyer, 852-5787, register online to walk, volunteer, join a team or donate
#WhyWeWalk Join us in our efforts to prevent suicide. It is important to note that there is no single cause of suicide. Suicide most often occurs when several stressors and health issues converge to create an experience of hopelessness and despair.
Additional Information: Tracie Meyer, 852-5787, register online to walk, volunteer, join a team or donate
2017 Grawemeyer Award in Music Composition winner to discuss ‘Play’
April 6, 3 p.m., Bird Recital Hall, School of Music; Free
American composer Andrew Norman will discuss his award-winning orchestral work, “Play,” which explores the relationship of choice and chance, freewill and control, and investigates the ways musicians in an orchestra can play with, against, or apart from one another. The lecture also will be livestreamed online. A recap of all Grawemeyer Awards lectures, including video interviews with the winners, will be posted to UofL News later this month
Additional Information: Website
American composer Andrew Norman will discuss his award-winning orchestral work, “Play,” which explores the relationship of choice and chance, freewill and control, and investigates the ways musicians in an orchestra can play with, against, or apart from one another. The lecture also will be livestreamed online. A recap of all Grawemeyer Awards lectures, including video interviews with the winners, will be posted to UofL News later this month
Additional Information: Website
Brown & Williamson Spring Seminar Series
April 7, 4 p.m., Room LL-16, Chemistry Building, Belknap Campus; Free
Jianhan Chen, PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, will present, “Multi-Scale Simulation of the Orderly Chaos of Proteins.”
Additional information: Sherry Nalley, 852-6798
Jianhan Chen, PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, will present, “Multi-Scale Simulation of the Orderly Chaos of Proteins.”
Additional information: Sherry Nalley, 852-6798
Friday Seminar Series: Gastric neuromodulation for spinal cord injury
April 7, 12-1 p.m., B Building, Room 302
Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center Friday Seminar Series is pleased to present Gastric Neuromodulation for Spinal Cord Injury with Upper GI Sx – A Pilot Proposal by Thomas Abell, MD and Craig McClain, MD professors in Med-Gastroenterology Hepatology.
Additional Information: Website
Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center Friday Seminar Series is pleased to present Gastric Neuromodulation for Spinal Cord Injury with Upper GI Sx – A Pilot Proposal by Thomas Abell, MD and Craig McClain, MD professors in Med-Gastroenterology Hepatology.
Additional Information: Website
Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology William J. Waddell Seminar Series, MS defense
April 6, noon to 1 p.m., 123, CTR, HSC; Free
The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology William J. Waddell Seminar Series presents a MS Defense by Elizabeth Hollis, “Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Diagnosing Graft Dysfunction: a Non-invasive Alternative to Renal Biopsies.” Hollis is from the lab of Dr. El-Baz.
Additional Information: Olivia Hill
The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology William J. Waddell Seminar Series presents a MS Defense by Elizabeth Hollis, “Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Diagnosing Graft Dysfunction: a Non-invasive Alternative to Renal Biopsies.” Hollis is from the lab of Dr. El-Baz.
Additional Information: Olivia Hill
Biology Dept. Seminar Series presents Guest Speaker Dr. Matthew Cave, UofL
April 14, noon, 139 Shumaker Research Building; Free
“Endocrine and Metabolism Disrupting Chemicals and Liver Disease” will be presented by Matthew Cave, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, UofL.
Additional Information: Charice Johnson, 852-8263
“Endocrine and Metabolism Disrupting Chemicals and Liver Disease” will be presented by Matthew Cave, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, UofL.
Additional Information: Charice Johnson, 852-8263
23rd Annual Kentucky Spinal Cord and Head Injury Research Trust Symposium
May 17, 7-8 a.m., Seelbach Hilton Hotel; Professional or Faculty – $275; Postdocs, residents, staff, community members – $155; Students – $90
This annual event, hosted every other year by the Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center at UofL, is presented to expose attendees to recent research directions and conceptual advances of internationally‐recognized scientists who are at the forefront of cell and molecular biology of development and disease. Extensive time for poster sessions allows participating trainees to highlight their research and foster new collaborations with senior scientific colleagues.
Additional Information: Website
This annual event, hosted every other year by the Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center at UofL, is presented to expose attendees to recent research directions and conceptual advances of internationally‐recognized scientists who are at the forefront of cell and molecular biology of development and disease. Extensive time for poster sessions allows participating trainees to highlight their research and foster new collaborations with senior scientific colleagues.
Additional Information: Website
Colloquium with Chemical Engineering Professor
April 7, 3 p.m., Room 112 Natural Science
The Department of Physics and Astronomy will host Dr. Gautam Gupta at a colloquium entitled “Rational design of materials for energy applications.” Gupta is currently an Associate Professor and directs an Energy Sustainability Lab here at the University of Louisville. He has co-authored more than 85 articles in journals including Science, Nature, Nature Materials and others.
Additional Information: Website, or contact the Physics Department
The Department of Physics and Astronomy will host Dr. Gautam Gupta at a colloquium entitled “Rational design of materials for energy applications.” Gupta is currently an Associate Professor and directs an Energy Sustainability Lab here at the University of Louisville. He has co-authored more than 85 articles in journals including Science, Nature, Nature Materials and others.
Additional Information: Website, or contact the Physics Department
Training and Workshops
Discourse & Semiotics Workshop: Interaction, Ethics, and Feminism
April 14, 12-1:30 p.m., Stevenson Room 407
Lisa Björkman of Urban and Public Affairs will be leading us in a discussion of semiotic anthropologist Webb Keane’s new book “Ethical Life: It’s Natural and Social Histories.” We will be focusing on chapters 2 and 5. For copies, email Andrea Olinger.
Lisa Björkman of Urban and Public Affairs will be leading us in a discussion of semiotic anthropologist Webb Keane’s new book “Ethical Life: It’s Natural and Social Histories.” We will be focusing on chapters 2 and 5. For copies, email Andrea Olinger.
Additional Information: Website
PLAN offers workshop on team management in the classroom and workplace
April 10, 1-2 p.m., Room 105, Houchens Building, Belknap Campus
We assume that students or employees know how to effectively work in teams. The reality is that few of us have ever been taught how to do so. This workshop offers evidence-based strategies for establishing and leading productive and effective teams. These approaches will be useful for those participating in groups, utilizing group work in the classroom, or managing groups in the workplace. Grad students interested in attending can register and find more info on the PLAN website.
Additional Information: PLAN website, Event page
We assume that students or employees know how to effectively work in teams. The reality is that few of us have ever been taught how to do so. This workshop offers evidence-based strategies for establishing and leading productive and effective teams. These approaches will be useful for those participating in groups, utilizing group work in the classroom, or managing groups in the workplace. Grad students interested in attending can register and find more info on the PLAN website.
Additional Information: PLAN website, Event page
PLAN offers workshop on developing teaching philosophy statements
April 11, 2-3:30 p.m., Room 105, Houchens Building, Belknap Campus
Teaching philosophy statements offer an opportunity for self-reflection, provide a means of communication with one’s students, and are increasingly a requirement in academic job applications. This workshop will allow you the opportunity to reflect upon your philosophical approach to teaching and learning by comparing and responding to sample teaching philosophy statements. Graduate students interested in attending can register and find more information on the PLAN website.
Additional Infomration: PLAN website, Event page
Teaching philosophy statements offer an opportunity for self-reflection, provide a means of communication with one’s students, and are increasingly a requirement in academic job applications. This workshop will allow you the opportunity to reflect upon your philosophical approach to teaching and learning by comparing and responding to sample teaching philosophy statements. Graduate students interested in attending can register and find more information on the PLAN website.
Additional Infomration: PLAN website, Event page
Green Tip: UofL Offering Free Trees and Compost for Spring Planting
April 7, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Outside Louisville Hall, Belknap Campus
Louisville loses about 150 trees/day, but we can restore the urban forest with your help. April 7 is Kentucky’s Arbor Day and UofL will celebrate outside Louisville Hall by planting a tree at noon and giving away 200 native dogwood and redbud saplings to plant in your neighborhood. Stop by and enjoy free apples and bike blender smoothies made with tree fruits and nuts. Get some free compost for your trees and other garden projects at UofL’s Community Composting project any Sunday 12-2 p.m.
Additional Information: UofL Arbor Day, UofL’s Community Composting project, Brian Barnes, 502-338-1338
Louisville loses about 150 trees/day, but we can restore the urban forest with your help. April 7 is Kentucky’s Arbor Day and UofL will celebrate outside Louisville Hall by planting a tree at noon and giving away 200 native dogwood and redbud saplings to plant in your neighborhood. Stop by and enjoy free apples and bike blender smoothies made with tree fruits and nuts. Get some free compost for your trees and other garden projects at UofL’s Community Composting project any Sunday 12-2 p.m.
Additional Information: UofL Arbor Day, UofL’s Community Composting project, Brian Barnes, 502-338-1338
Grand Rounds
Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s health
April 7, 1-2 p.m., Ambulatory Care Building-Basement Auditorium
Join us Frida, when Dr. Kevin Marques will present, “Diabetes and Pregnancy-A quick primer.” You will learn risks and understand why diabetes is dangerous for a pregnancy and learn the different oral and SQ hypo-glycemic and when to use them.
Additional Information: Crystal Menear, 502-561-7463
Join us Frida, when Dr. Kevin Marques will present, “Diabetes and Pregnancy-A quick primer.” You will learn risks and understand why diabetes is dangerous for a pregnancy and learn the different oral and SQ hypo-glycemic and when to use them.
Additional Information: Crystal Menear, 502-561-7463
Direct questions about UofL Today to Alicia Kelso, 852-2670, or the Office of Communication & Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.