1.) Sarah Beth Childers to give book reading
April 28, 6 to 7 p.m., The Filson Historical Society, 1310 S. Third St.
Free for students, faculty and staff with UofL ID
Sarah Beth Childers, writer in residence at Earlham College, will read from her book, Shake Terribly the Earth: Stories from an Appalachian Family. The Filson Historical Society is a member of the Center for Arts and Culture Partnerships.
Additional Information: Registration is requested. Register online at or by phone at 635-5083.
2.) Last day to register for the 2014 Faculty/Staff Open Walls exhibit
The 2014 Open Walls exhibit of artwork by UofL faculty and staff is scheduled for May 12 to 23 in the Photographic Archives gallery at Ekstrom Library. The exhibit is an opportunity for UofL employees who are not professional or exhibited artists to share their work. All media (i.e., painting, photography, woodworking, mixed media, fiber arts, jewelry, crafts) will be accepted. An artist reception will be held May 12 from noon to 1 p.m. Guidelines for the 2014 exhibit can be found here. Registration is due April 28; form can be found here. Email registration forms to Janet Cappiello.
Additional Information: Janet Cappiello, 852-1104; YouTube video.
3.) Stage One partnering with autism training center for sensory-friendly performance
May 10, 11 a.m., Kentucky Center for the Arts
The Kentucky Autism Training Center is partnering with Stage One and the Kentucky Center for the Arts for the sensory-friendly performance of Diary of a Worm, a Spider, and a Fly. Author Doreen Cronin (also the author of Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type will be available to autograph books after the performance.
Additional Information: Website.
Health and Wellness
4.) Sign up now for Weigh to Wellness I and II
May 13 to July 29, Tuesdays, noon to 12:30 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center, Room 116
Free to employees, retirees and their spouse/QA
Get Healthy Now is pleased to announce a new summer session of our comprehensive weight management program! Join us for a 12-week class that teaches nutrition and exercise education in a group setting. Complete with challenges, weekly weigh-ins and more! Participants will learn how to make sustainable lifestyle change and set effective goals. A recent participant shared: This program is wonderful … It has made a huge difference in our lives and our children’s lives.”
Additional Information and Registration: Website. Nick Pitas, 852-1234.
Information Technology
5.) The current state of digital media and what your strategy should be for 2014
April 29, 2 to 3:30 p.m., Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library
Free, open to the public
If you manage a website, social media account or are considering a mobile strategy, you should attend this session. We will present the current state of digital media (web, social and mobile) and how you should be using these medium in 2014. The presentation is designed to give you supporting stats and information to justify a digital media budget, the need for more, better content and how to leverage it. No registration is required.
Additional Information: Jeff Rushton, 852-8119.
6.) Computer repair closes permanently April 30
This change only impacts repair for personally purchased computer hardware. Servicing of university owned equipment is not affected by this change. Repairs in progress will be completed but no additional equipment will be accepted for repair after this date. Help with malware removal, passwords and other software related issues will remain available from the iTech Connect office located on the lower level of Miller Information Technology Center.
Additional Information: Contact the IT HelpDesk at 852-7997 or
7.) UofL earns fourth straight Tree Campus USA recognition
The Arbor Day Foundation and Toyota have named UofL a Tree Campus USA for the fourth consecutive year. The program honors colleges and universities for promoting healthy trees and engaging students and staff in the spirit of conservation. Maintaining the more than 2,500 trees on the Belknap campus is an important part of the university’s commitment to sustainability.
Additional Information: Find a map for a self-guided tree-tour of the Belknap campus here.
8.) Two women’s soccer summer camps scheduled
Camp I, June 16-20; Camp II, July 14-18
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to noon
The cost of the camp is $165 with a $50 deposit due with the application. Players who register before May 1 will receive discounted admission at $150. Additional $20 off for UofL staff.
Additional Information: Jing Hughley, 852-7547.
9.) It’s sunset for Minerva, the libraries’ old online catalog
May 1
On May 1, the UofL Libraries Minerva Catalog will no longer be available via links on the library’s webpage (with the exception of Archives and Special Collections). It will continue to function if you have it bookmarked, but it will not be maintained or customized. Users of Minerva are encouraged to switch to the new catalog using WorldCat Local, which provides access to a greater range of resources including items available at other libraries worldwide.
Additional Information: Website.
10.) Time to enter the 23rd Annual Faculty/Staff/Alumni Golf Scramble
Entry deadline: June 6
Event: June 13; 11:30 a.m. lunch; 12:45 p.m. shotgun start, Quail Chase Golf Course
$55 due at time of entry
Entry fee includes greens fee, cart, skins game, team prizes, hole competitions, range balls and lunch. Retirees and spouses invited to play. Teams may be requested or individuals placed according to handicap or average score. Lunch provided by Sodexo. Entry limited to the first 120 paid entries. Entry forms are available in the Intramural Sports Office, SRC Room 102.
Additional Information: David Hatfield or John Smith at 852-6707
11.) Parkinson’s disease symposium to be held
May 8, 5 to 7:30 p.m., Conference Center, Rudd Heart and Lung Center, 220 Abraham Flexner Way
Free, RSVP required
University of Louisville Physicians will be hosting a symposium on Parkinson’s disease designed for patients and their families. The UofL Physicians Parkinson’s Disease Spring Symposium will feature speakers from the interdisciplinary team at UofL Physicians – Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders who will provide an overview of new developments in Parkinson’s disease and treatment options, with a focus on neuromodulation therapies. The program also includes two breakout sessions and an “Ask the Experts” panel discussion.
Additional Information and Registration: UofL Physicians, 582-7469.
12.) Biochemistry research conference scheduled
April 28, noon, Homberger Library, HSC-A, Room 614
Nicholas Nelson, BMB graduate student, presents “Elucidating the Role of the Nore1a/Brca1 Tumor Suppressor Complex in Human Cancer.”
Additional Information: Janice Ellwanger.
13.) Microbiology and Immunology seminar scheduled
April 29, noon, Baxter I Auditorium, Health Sciences Center
Free, open to the public
The Department of Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series presents,“Bradykinin and purinergic receptor signaling in stem and tumor cell migration” by Henning Ulrich, PhD, associate professor of biochemistry, Universidade de São Paulo.
Additional Information: Carolyn Burton, 852-6208.