April 18, 2017 Announcements

    Tuesday, April 18, 2017
    The University of Louisville School of Nursing Owensboro Extension program achieved a 100 percent pass rate in 2016 for first-time takers of the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses, NCLEX-RN. The UofL traditional undergraduate nursing program in Louisville achieved a 93 percent pass rate.
    Dr. Sarah Moyer, who specializes in family medicine at UofL Physicians and is a faculty member of the Department of Family and Geriatric Medicine, has been elected to receive an honorary award from Delta Omega (Beta Pi Chapter) at UofL SPHIS. The Delta Omega Award Ceremony at UofL SPHIS breakfast event is May 10.
    When in doubt, point it out
    University of Louisville employees have a duty to report knowledge or suspicion of misconduct, violations of law or university policy, or other wrongdoing. To learn more about reporting options visit the Compliance Hotline webpage. For More information visit the Institutional Compliance website or email.
    Registration open for Course Redesign Institute for Active Learning
    May 15-16, Teaching Innovation Learning Lab; Free
    This new, two-day institute will assist faculty interested in redesigning courses to incorporate active learning concepts that support student engagement. Speakers include Deandra Little (Elon University) and Michael Palmer (University of Virginia).
    Additional Information: Register online
    You and your student are invited to a Family & Friends Campus Visit
    June 14, 10:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Room 110, Student Recreation Center, Belknap Campus
    Do you have a son or daughter who is a high school student? Then the Office of Undergraduate Admissions has the ideal Campus Visit Program for you both. Jenny Sawyer, executive director of Admissions, will lead an information session about the application and enrollment process geared specifically for students of UofL faculty and staff. This will be followed by a 90-minute walking tour by one of our current student ambassadors. Space is limited and registration is required and can be done online.
    Additional Information: Kristin Ellis, 852-5516, website
    Miss Black UofL Fundraiser Night
    April 19, 4-9 p.m., Griff’s, 323 W. Cardinal Blvd.
    A fundraiser will be held Wednesday at Griff’s in Cardinal Towne to support Miss Black UofL Winner Mackenzie Ross on her journey to Miss Kentucky 2017. Tell the restaurant staff you were invited by the National Society of Black Engineers.
    Additional Information: Email 
    REEF Polling Demo – reminder and registration link
    April 25, 10-11:30 a.m., Belknap Campus, Ekstrom Library Room 244, Delphi Lab; Free
    REEF Education by i>clicker is a mobile-optimized engagement platform designed to facilitate student, educator and institutional collaboration. Come learn more about REEF Polling, Quizzing and Attendance. Light snacks provided by vendor.
    Additional Information: Registration linkLinda Leake, 852-4332
    iClicker Demo – reminder and registration link
    April 25, 1-2:30 p.m., Belknap Campus, Ekstrom Library, Room 244, Delphi Lab; Free 
    If you want to learn more about iClickers come join the conversation during this informative demonstration. Glen Garrett with iClicker will be here to provide answers to all of your questions. Light snacks provided by vendor.
    Additional Information: Registration LinkLinda Leake, 852-4332
    Identity Theft Training Sessions scheduled on Belknap and HSC
    April 19, 2:30-4 p.m., Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library, Belknap Campus; April 21, 2:30-4 p.m., Kornhauser Library, Auditorium 103, 500 S. Preston St.
    HR will host Identity Theft Training sessions on the HSC and Belknap campuses this week through our EAP vendor, Human Development. Identity theft is defined as the fraudulent acquisition and use of a person’s private identifying information, typically for financial gain. The session will outline the various risks, preventive measures, and strategic processes to resolve the aftermath, should you become a victim. No registration required.
    Additional Information: 852-6258
    2017 Grawemeyer Award winner to discuss ‘Schools for Conflict or for Peace in Afghanistan’
    April 18, 1 p.m., Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library
    Education and political science scholar and former aid worker Dana Burde will discuss her award-winning work, which examines the influence foreign-backed funding for education has on war-torn countries and how such aid affects humanitarian and peace-building efforts. Her 2014 book was grounded in eight years of field research in Afghanistan and Pakistan and backed by Burde’s two decades of work on education in countries affected by conflict. Burde is the 2017 Grawemeyer Award winner for Ideas Improving World Order.
    Additional Information: Website
    2017 Grawemeyer Award in Religion winner to present ‘Breaking White Supremacy’
    April 18, 7 p.m., Caldwell Chapel, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
    In his lecture, “Breaking White Supremacy: The Black Social Gospel as New Abolitionism,” renowned social ethicist Gary Dorrien will discuss how the Black Social Gospel became an important tradition of religious thought and resistance, helping to create an alternative public sphere of excluded voices and providing the intellectual underpinnings of the civil rights movement.
    Additional Information: Website
    Bioengineering Dept. Seminar Series features ‘Nuclear Imaging in Biomedical Research’
    April 19, noon to 1:30 p.m., Shumaker Research Building, Room 139
    Dr. Haixun Guo, assistant professor of Radiology, School of Medicine, and member of the Center for Predictive Medicine at University of Louisville, will discuss PET probes for imaging the tumor microenvironment.
    Additional Information: Nancy Hansford
    Jamilah Lemieux to speak Friday
    April 21, 6:30 p.m., Strickler Hall, Auditorium 101
    On Friday, April 21, Jamilah Lemieux will lead a discussion titled, “A Seat at the Table: Self-Positioning in Current Social Movements.” The American columnist, cultural critic and editor’s presentation is sponsored by the Minority Association of Graduate Studies.
    The Department of Physiology Seminar Series features Professor Helmy Siragy
    April 18, 11:45 a.m., Baxter I Auditorium
    The Department of Physiology Seminar Series presents, “(Pro)renin Receptor: Contribution to Diabetic Kidney Disease and Beyond,” by Helmy Siragy, MD, FACP, FAHA, professor of medicine and endocrinology, Department of Medicine, University of Virginia Health System.
    Additional Information: Website
    Coal Ash study taking place at UofL
    UofL is recruiting children ages 6-14 who live in neighborhoods located between 150 feet and a 10-mile radius of coal ash landfills and ponds from Louisville power plants. Specific zip codes include: 40109, 40118, 40177, 40211, 40214, 40215, 40216, 40258
    and 40272. Details can be found on the study webpage. The Coal Ash and Children’s Health study is sponsored by a grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (R01ES024757).
    Additional Information: Kristina Zierold, 502-216-9673
    Health and Wellness
    UofL participating in National Bike Challenge
    May 1 to September 30
    Saddle up and ride for team UofL and be a part of something big. Showcase your support for a healthy lifestyle and sustainable transportation. Register online. Your miles cycled will count toward the University of Louisville total, as well as qualify you for great individual prizes.
    Additional Information: Justin Mog, 852-8575; registration information, 852-7755, email
    Get moving with Nia
    Tuesdays, 6:40-7:40 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center; Free for GHN members
    Get moving with GHN’s Nia class to help you find health through movement. Nia is a sensory-based movement practice that draws from disciplines of the martial arts, dance arts and healing arts. Every class offers a unique combination of 52 moves that corresponds with the main areas of the body: the base, the core, and upper extremities.
    Additional Information: Group Fitness Schedulewebsiteemail, 852-7755
    Grand Rounds
    Endocrinology Grand Rounds
    April 19, 4 p.m., Baxter II Research Building, lower level, Room 038
    Join us as Alan Cheng, PhD, UofL Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, presents, “Studying Glycogen is Stressful.”
    Additional Information: Kelly Galiette, 852-5237
    Alicia Kelso
    Alicia Kelso is the director of social media and digital content. She joined UofL in 2015 as director of communications at the Brandeis School of Law. She also serves as a senior contributor at Forbes.com, writing about the restaurant industry, which she has covered since 2010. Her work has been featured in publications around the world, including NPR, Bloomberg, The Seattle Times, Good Morning America and Franchise Asia Magazine.