September 18, 2017 Announcements



    Monday, Sept. 18, 2017





    Throughout the end of September, UofL is hosting the RSO Kognito Challenge, asking every RSO to complete the Kognito online training on suicide prevention and intervention. Kognito is an online training option available for students, faculty and staff that uses an interactive and visual format where the user can start a conversation with a virtual student. The training equips students with the tools to promote mental health and prevent suicide by practicing scenarios online.



    Outreach and Reference Librarian Fannie Cox was recently elected to the Executive Board of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association.



    UofL Today with Mark Hebert

    WHAS-TV, Great Day Live

    Mondays at 9:30 a.m. Segments can be found on YouTube. WHAS-TV and WLKY-TV also run the UofL stories in their Monday afternoon and Saturday morning newscasts, respectively
    Monday, September 18: The award-winning Metropolitan College is giving hundreds of UofL students the chance to graduate debt-free if they handle classes during the day and working at UPS overnight


    Radio Show

    Airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 6 p.m. on 93.9 FM TheVille; replayed on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Podcasts of all radio programs can be found on SoundCloud. This week’s schedule:
    Monday, Sept. 18: Two big hurricanes recently hit Florida and Texas. What role is climate change playing in those storms? Atmospheric scientist Jason Naylor discusses. Dr. Vinay Puri discusses strokes in children. International Peace Day will be celebrated on UofL’s campus – student Blake Gerstner and professor Russ Vandenbroucke have the details. 
    Tuesday, Sept. 19: What do Louisvillians think of the job LMPD officers are doing? Deborah Keeling is a justice administration professor who has been surveying Louisville residents. UofL is the first Kentucky school to have a degree program in sustainability – David Simpson is the chair of the department of Urban and Public Affairs. UofL sponsors the Yearlings Club which is a group of African-American men who tackle tough issues facing west Louisville. Theresa Rajack-Talley discusses the group’s upcoming speakers.


    Metro TV and KET KY – The Kentucky Channel

    (Metro TV – Ch. 99 on UVerse, Ch. 25 on TWC): Monday and Tuesday nights at 7:30, Thursday 6:30 p.m., Friday 8:30 p.m. and Sunday 9:30 p.m. (KET KY – Ch. 192 on TWC, other channels): Thursdays at 5 p.m., Fridays at 8 a.m., Mondays at 6:30 a.m., Tuesdays at 2 p.m. Metro TV shows on UofL’s YouTube channel
    This week: Do police officers in schools cut down crime, keep schools safer and provide mentoring for students? Ben Fisher in the department of Criminal Justice has the research to answer those questions. Kent School of Social Work grad assistant Matt Walton has been studying the impact of Casey’s Law which allows the involuntary commitment of people into drug or alcohol rehab.



    Free flu shot clinics this week

    September 18 and 21

    Campus Health Services provides free flu shots for UofL faculty, staff and students. Bring your UofL ID and flu shot consent form (print out online). This week’s flu shot clinics times and locations are:

    • Monday, Sept 18, 11:30am –1:30pm, Belknap Campus, Law School Washer Lounge
    • Thursday, Sept. 21, 7:00am–10:00am, HSC, HCOC 110
    • Thursday, Sept. 21, 11:15am–1:15pm, Belknap, ELC

    Additional Information: Campus Health Services, 852-6479

    Spreading compassion across generations

    By Mayor Proclamation, September is Optimal Aging Month.  In spirit of this month’s theme, Spreading Compassion Across Generations, join Honorary Optimal Aging Catalysts, Darrell Griffith & Denny Crum, by performing random acts of kindness to people of any age. Share your moments #OptimalAgingMonth and @ULOptimalAging.

    Additional Information: Website


    GRE strategy session final registration deadline today

    A Kaplan-conducted GRE strategy session, lunch, and practice exam will be held on Saturday, September 23, 9:30 a.m.. to 3 p.m. in 101 Davidson Hall on Belknap Campus, all for $20. Registration is open to anyone interested in attending graduate school. Pre-registration and payment due Sept. 18. Forward check/money order (payable to Psi Chi) or cash to Psi Chi, Life Sciences, Room 317.  Please include “GRE Session,” your name and email, along with your sandwich selection for lunch: ham, roast beef, turkey, or vegetarian. Once payment is received, you will receive an email with additional registration details. Contact Madison Smith or Dr. Leonard for additional details. 


    School of Dentistry’s 34th Annual ‘William J. Mansfield’ Alumni Day

    September 29, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Kornhauser Health Sciences Library – Auditorium

    The Continuing Education & Alumni Affairs Department would like to invite all dental professionals for an exciting lecture on ‘Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment of the Worn Dentition,’ presented by John C. Cranham, DDS, PC.

    Additional Information: Register online, email


    ProCard policy updates – effective September 19, 2017

    The ProCard Office would like to remind everyone of the changes to ProCard policies effective September 19. These changes are part of our continuous efforts to increase operational efficiencies, provide procedural clarity, strengthen contracts and improve university purchasing controls.
    Additional Information: Website, email, 852-7520


    Optimal Aging Lightning Rounds

    Do something for you today and attend an Optimal Aging Lightning Round. They are September 20 at the Get Healthy Now Center at noon and September 28 at the Kornhauser Library at noon. These active and participatory sessions, provided by the Institute for Sustainable Health & Optimal Aging, in partnership wtih SMART’s Wellness Task Force and Get Healthy Now Program, will feature four interactive presentations on mind, body, spirit, and soul interventions available at UofL that can help you age optimally across your lifespan.

    Additional Information: Belknap event; HSC event 


    Hearts for the Heart Walk at Commonwealth Credit Union

    Now through Sept. 23, 2126 S. Floyd St. (near ULPD and University Parking offices)

    In support of this Saturday’s Kentuckiana Heart Walk, our preferred credit union partner has joined the UofL walk team and is raising funds to save lives from heart disease and stroke. Stop by their UofL or Frankfort Avenue branches and, for a donation of $1 or more, put your name on a paper heart, which will be proudly displayed. Plus, you’ll be entered for a chance to win UofL football tickets. All donations benefit the American Heart Association.
    Additional Information: Glenn Griffin, 502-564-4775, website

    A firsthand look at how UofL’s online programs impact instructors and students

    UofL’s Online Learning team recently produced a series of promotional videos featuring instructors and students from various online programs. The stories detail what motivates instructors in the online classroom, as well as how the accessibility and flexibility of UofL’s online programs have helped students reach their personal and professional goals. Watch the videos here: 

    School of Nursing Degree Programs Information Session

    Thinking about starting or advancing your nursing career? Faculty and staff are ready to answer your questions about the UofL School of Nursing’s undergraduate and graduate degree programs on Sept. 26. Learn more and register for the information session online


    School of Dentistry newsletter adds career link, event photos 

    The School of Dentistry has announced its alumni spotlight of the month, Dr. Alma LjaLjevic-Tucakovic. The newsletter also now features a career link for alumni either seeking dental associates and/or buying or selling dental practices. Finally, new event photos have been added.



    UofL/Yearlings Club Forum Series

    September 21, 5-7 p.m., 4309 W. Broadway, Louisville, 40211; Free and open to the public

    Join us for a Welcome Reception and Conversation with Mark B. Carter, CEO Passport Health Plans. The company’s announcement of its plan to relocate its headquarters to West Louisville is viewed as an economic development boost. The company will anchor a “health and wellness” campus on the 18-acre site at 1800 W. Broadway.

    Additional Information: Clest Lanier, 852-3042


    Save the Date: Social Justice Research Symposium

    November 9, 10 a.m.

    Please mark your calendar and plan to spend time with us sharing, learning, and building community around social justice research at the University of Louisville. We are hosting Dr. Rhonda Williams, Founder and Inaugural Director of the Social Justice Institute at Case Western Reserve University. The day includes lots of community-building and networking, workshops and information about the Consortium’s next grant funding round.

    Additional Information: Event, website, email, 852-2371


    Training and Workshops

    PLAN hosts workshop on CVs and Resumes for graduate students

    September 21, 2-4 p.m., Room 105, Houchens Building, Belknap Campus

    Whether you have only a basic template, a full CV, or just need to refresh your resume, this is the workshop to attend. Learn about the differences between a CV and a resume, key components, and strategies to make you stand out among applicants. Graduate students who attend will have time to workshop their resumes during the session, so you are encouraged to bring a device on which to work. Graduate students interested in attending can register and find more information on the PLAN website.

    Additional Information: PLAN websiteCalendarMichelle Rodems, 852-3110


    Cooperative Consortium for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research hosts ‘Exploring Research Methods: PhotoVoice’

    September 21, 12-1:30 p.m., Room W104, Ekstrom Library, Belknap Campus

    This workshop will cover the basics of PhotoVoice, including the affordances and limitations of this method, and will also include examples from the presenters’ research. Finally, the workshop facilitators will discuss possibilities for using this method and other related ones. Time will be allotted for participants’ questions. Faculty, graduate students, and undergrad students are invited to attend.

    Additional Information: Email, 852-2371


    Resiliency workshop for students

    September 19, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., SAC, W303A, Belknap Campus; Free
    Discover the tricks and traps that we all sometimes fall into that hold us back. Come learn about the five skills that will empower you to bounce back from adversity. Learn how to tap the “secret” strengths we all possess to help us when adversity strikes. Facilitated by UofL’s Todd Brimm, Master Resiliency Instructor. RSVP to Dean of Students Office, 852-5787 or via email.
    Additional Information: Geri Morgan, 852-5787


    Commercializing Academic Research Training: Building a Compelling Product

    September 19, 3-5 p.m., Clinical Translational Research Building, Room 124; Free
    When planning for the commercialization of your academic, health science innovation, you need to think about your technology and the final product. What is the unmet clinical need? What is the value proposition? All are welcome to attend the first session of UofL’s Translational Training series. Our entrepreneurial speakers will share their experiences of building a compelling product story.
    Additional Information: Email


    Oral History Workshop scheduled 

    October 13, 2-4 p.m., University Club Library Room (Parking is available at the University Club lot); Free, RSVP required
    Dr. Tracy K’Meyer of the Department of History will conduct an Oral History workshop. The workshop will cover how to set up an oral history project, how to conduct interviews, and how to use them in research. Light refreshments will be served. This event is sponsored by the Cooperative Consortium on Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research.

    Additional Information: Website; RSVP via email 


    Health and Wellness

    Know your health numbers

    Free for UofL faculty and staff

    Do you know your health numbers? Find out blood pressure, weight, waist/hip measurements, and blood cholesterol/glucose numbers in preparation of Open Enrollment 2018. This data will be needed to complete the online health assessment required annually for GHN participation and to receive your premium incentive. Screenings by appointment only, schedule yours today via email or 852-7755.


    Celebrate Whole Grains Month This September

    September is Whole Grains Month, and there’s no better time to discover all the delicious, healthy reasons to eat whole grains. These recipes showcase some of the many ways to enjoy whole grains for any course at any meal. Try these recipes for Meatless Monday.
    Additional Information: Meatless Monday recipes, Get Healthy Now Facebook, Get Healthy Now website, email, 852-7755


    Arts and Entertainment

    Type Hike: Exhibition and Designer Panel Discussion

    September 19, 6-9 p.m., Hite Art Institute’s Schneider Hall Galleries; Free for UofL Students, Faculty and Staff

    AIGA Louisville and Hite Art Institute host “Type Hike” co-founder Jim Walker and contributors Meena Khalili, assistant professor at Hite, and Nashville letterer Jenny Lee for a panel discussion. “Type Hike” is a collection of artistic posters that celebrate the National Park Service on exhibit in Schneider Hall Galleries through Sept. 22. The 60 posters reflect each park’s unique landscape through highly stylized typography. Print sales have raised thousands of dollars for the park service.

    Additional Information: Website 


    Grad student comedy show featuring Adam Ruben

    September 29, 8 p.m., Strickler Hall Auditorium
    Adam Ruben, author of “Surviving Your Stupid, Stupid Decision To Go To Grad School”, co-host of “Outrageous Acts of Science” on the Science Channel, and featured guest on Food Network, Travel Channel, NPR and more will present a night of comedy about life in graduate school. Undergrad and grad students, post-docs, faculty, and staff are all encourage to attend. There will be a book signing after the show.

    Additional Information: Kelsey Kaht, Facebook event, more on Adam Ruben



    Green tip: UofL Free Store open Monday and Wednesday, donations and volunteers wanted

    Mondays and Wednesdays, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., basement, Unitas Tower, Belknap Campus
    UofL’s Free Store is now open every Monday and Wednesday 11am-2pm in the Unitas Tower basement (enter from driveway off Cardinal Blvd). All students and employees are welcome to “shop” for free clothing, shoes, household items, books, school and art supplies, non-perishable food, etc. Donations are accepted any time in the red bins outside the Store. Help us keep useful stuff out of the landfill while helping those in need – Volunteers are needed each week to open the store and sort donations.
    Additional Information: WebsiteErin Kurtz



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Alicia Kelso, 852-2670, or the Office of Communication & Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    + Submit an announcement

    Alicia Kelso
    Alicia Kelso is the director of social media and digital content. She joined UofL in 2015 as director of communications at the Brandeis School of Law. She also serves as a senior contributor at, writing about the restaurant industry, which she has covered since 2010. Her work has been featured in publications around the world, including NPR, Bloomberg, The Seattle Times, Good Morning America and Franchise Asia Magazine.