February 8, 2018 Announcements


    Thursday, February 8, 2018



    A group of students from UofL’s Student Government Association participated in the Rally for Higher Education at the State Capitol in Frankfort on Tuesday. They joined students from other Kentucky universities to communicate to state legislators and the governor why higher education matters to the development of our workforce and the progress of the state of Kentucky as a whole.




    Dr. Shiao Woo, medical director of Louisville CyberKnife and professor and chairman of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the UofL School of Medicine, has been named a 2018 MOSAIC Award honoree. The MOSAIC Awards is the signature event benefiting Jewish Family & Career Services and recognizes new or first-generation immigrants and refugees who make a significant contribution in their professions and our community. Dr. Woo, who is from Malaysia, is a board-certified radiation oncologist specializing in the treatment of brain tumors and pediatric radiation oncology.



    Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer to speak at UofL

    U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer will visit the University of Louisville Feb. 12 to take part in the McConnell Center’s Distinguished Speaker Series. Senator Schumer (D-NY) will follow up his speech at the free, public event by taking questions from the audience. Schumer’s speech will be 9 a.m. in Bigelow Hall, Miller Information Technology Center. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. is expected to introduce Senator Schumer. Those wishing to attend must request individual tickets online from the McConnell Center. Tickets are required and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.


    Go Red For Women event on campus

    Feb. 20, 3-5 p.m., Cultural Center MPR

    February is Heart Healthy Month. The UofL Women’s Center, Student Parent Association and others are partnering with the Black Student Nursing Association (BSNA) to sponsor its annual Wear Red Day in honor of the American Heart Association. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the U.S. Get free blood pressure checks; blood sugar readings; love your heart buttons, informational material, heart healthy treats and sign up for a “DeStress Package” door prize. Other sponsors include, the Minority Assoc. of Pre-medical Students (MAPS); and TREW Friends, UofL chapter.
    Additional Information: Da’Quita VarnerPhyllis Webb or Johnecia Seay


    Reminder: ID badges required to enter HSC buildings

    Faculty, staff and students on the Health Sciences Center are required to have their University ID badges to enter the buildings on the campus. People are reminded to not let people in who don’t have their badges, which means they may have to actually NOT hold the doors for visitors. Visitors should be met by their party at the door or outside to be admitted to the building. This includes all buildings on HSC except clinics, Abell, Kornhauser Library.
    Additional Information: Mindy Christian, 852-7379


    College of Education and Human Development: Spring Research Conference 2018

    March 24, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., UofL ShelbyHurst Campus
    The Spring Research Conference is open to College of Education and Human Development master and doctoral students enrolled at UofL, UK and UC. This opportunity allows students to present research in a friendly setting and to get constructive feedback from faculty and colleagues. This conference is free for all students, faculty and staff. Deadline for abstract submissions extended to February 9.
    Additional Information: Websiteemail


    Call for Summer Research Projects for School of Medicine

    Summer research projects are now being solicited from faculty to submit a biomedical summer research project for our medical students. The student’s stipend support and poster production costs are covered by the School of Medicine’s Summer Research Scholar Program (SRSP) and NIH training grants. To submit a project, go online. Deadline is March 9.
    Additional Information: HSC Research Office, 852-2553


    HSC Research Forum

    February 13, 12-1 p.m., Clinical & Translational Research Building, Room 101/102
    The HSC Research Forum will feature talks by Nancy Tierney, Dr. Jon Klein, Drs. Sanjay Srivastava & Aruni Bhatnagar, Dr. Kevyn Merten and Dr. Craig McClain. The topics will cover Research Space Report, Jewish Heritage Foundation, iRIS, Research Strategic Planning, Newest NIH updates, HSC Resources, and Research Program/Core Highlights: Diabetes & Obesity Center. This forum is co-sponsored by the Executive Vice President for Health Affairs and Vice Dean for Research, School of Medicine.
    Additional Information: HSC Research Office, 852-7794


    Register to attend the Graduate Student Regional Research Conference

    March 2-3, 2018; Free
    Register now to attend the Graduate Student Regional Research Conference. Registration is free, but required for meals and encouraged so enough seats are made available. Come see more than 150 oral talks and poster presentations by graduate students, along with a keynote by TEDx speaker Rebecca Heiss and more. Registration closes February 27, 2018.
    Additional Information: Register onlineKelsey Kaht

    John R. Gernert Star Ball Exhibit Celebration

    February 9, 7-7:45 p.m., Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium; Free
    The opto-mechanical star machine that ran the planetarium for over a decade is now retired and on display. We invite you to take a virtual journey with us that highlights the amazing capabilities of the retired system, such as the crisply precise projection of the stars, planets and moons using a ball with 4,000 holes and complex geared clocks. We will also explore some of the expanded exciting visualizations available with our new system.
    Additional Information: Websiteemail, 852-6665


    Social Justice Consortium opens application for 2018 PhD Research Fellow

    February 27, Room 317, Ekstrom Library, Belknap Campus
    The Cooperative Consortium for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research invites PhD students to apply for its 2018 Graduate Research Fellowship. The Research Fellow will work in close consultation with the Research Manager, faculty researchers, and other student research fellows. The fellow will support various transdisciplinary social justice research teams that include representatives from a wide array of academic disciplines and community partners. Applications are due February 27, 2018.
    Additional Information: Apply onlineCassia Herron, 852-2371


    Social Justice Consortium invites submissions for new E-Newsletter

    Room 317, Ekstrom Library, Belknap Campus
    The Cooperative Consortium for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research recently started an E-Newsletter, the “Social Justice Digest,” that includes Consortium-sponsored events, community events, calls for proposals, and more. If you have information related to a social justice research event or opportunity, please share it with us to include in our newsletter, using the form linked here. If you would like to be added to our listserv, send an email transdis@louisville.edu.
    Additional Information: Submission formemail


    Apply to attend the 2018 Kentucky Student Success Summit

    April 9-10, Louisville Marriott East
    This year’s Student Success Summit features sessions led by Dr. Michael S. McPherson, co-chair of the Commission on the Future of Undergraduate Education, Dr. Judy Genshaft, president of the University of South Florida, and Sarah Ancel, vice president of Complete College America. The conference will also share ways to improve instructional practices to enhance student success. A limited number of free registrations are available through the Office of the Provost. Deadline to apply is March 9.
    Additional Information: Apply online 


    Arts and Entertainment

    Kentucky Women’s Book Festival

    March 3, 9:30 a.m., Ekstrom Library with the Lunch in #175 Brandeis School of Law; Free; optional $10 lunch
    The 12th annual Kentucky Women’s Book Festival will feature authors from a wide variety of genres on U of L’s Belknap campus. Register on Eventbrite, https://goo.gl/sFCBLU; to reserve an optional $10 lunch, call 852-8976 by Feb. 27.
    Additional Information: WebsiteFacebook, 852-8976



    Biology Department Seminar Series presents guest speaker Dr. Jen O’Keefe, Morehead State University

    February 9, 139 Shumaker Research Building; Free
    Dr. Jen O’Keefe is an active scholar. Her research focuses on fungi as ecological indicators and agents of coal formation in Cretaceous – Holocene sediments, biostratigraphy and paleoecology of Paleogene deposits, onshore  near the Gulf of Mexico, and pollen content of regional honey samples. She teaches inquiry-based courses in earth systems science for teachers at the undergraduate and graduate level, and historical geology, geomorphology, paleontology, micropaleontology and coal geology at the undergraduate level for earth systems science majors.
    Additional Information: Charice Johnson, 852-8263


    Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology – William J. Wadell Seminar Series

    February 8, 12 p.m., CTRB 124
    Scott Whittemore, PhD, Professor and Vice Chairman for Research in the Department of Neurological Surgery, Anatomical Sciences & Neurobiology will present a research seminar on Thursday, February 8 from 12-1 p.m. His presentation is titled “Proteostasis, the gut microbiome, and spinal cord injury.”
    Additional Information: Aaron Howell, 852-5141


    Call for faculty judges

    We are seeking faculty judges from across disciplines for our Graduate Student Regional Research Conference (GSRRC). Judges will evaluate graduate student poster presentations and assign prizes to the top presenters. There are two poster sessions on March 2 at Belknap and 3 poster sessions on March 3 at HSC. Please apply by Feb 14 here
    Additional Information: Conference websiteKelsey Kaht


    Training and Workshops

    Special Health Sciences drop-in sessions for grant and manuscript writing help

    February 19, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Clinical & Translational Research Building, Room 123; free
    Are you writing a grant/manuscript and need feedback or advice? Stop by for special drop-in sessions—no appointment needed. The University Writing Center will be hosting a special drop-in session Monday, February 19, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the CTRB 123. These sessions are targeted to students, post-docs, research staff, and faculty in the sciences that are submitting a grant or manuscript and want help with their writing.
    Additional Information: University Writing Center, 852-2173 


    Health and Wellness

    Registration extended for Get Healthy Now’s virtual challenge, ‘Health Trails’

    Registration extended through Feb. 14; Challenge dates: Jan. 29 through Mar. 25; Free for employees, retirees and spouses/QAs
    Get out of the office this winter and join Get Healthy Now for an 8-week virtual challenge. HealthTrails helps to build everyday healthy habits as you travel along famous trails, learning about new places from around the world. The first 50 registrants will be entered into a drawing to earn a Homitt tote cooler, and challenge participants will have the chance at prizes along the way. One challenge completer will earn the grand prize – a NutriBullet.
    Additional information: Websiteemail, 852-7755


    Keep your workout momentum going every Saturday with Weekend Kickstart class

    Saturdays 11:15-12 p.m., Get Healthy Now; Free with membership, public: $5
    Get your weekend off to a healthy and active start. Utilizing a combination of both high intensity cardio training and weight lifting, you’ll get a total body workout and a great outlook for the rest of the weekend.
    Additional Information: Group fitness scheduleemail, 852-7755


    Grand Rounds

    Family and Geriatric Medicine Grand Rounds

    February 9, 7:30-8:30 a.m., Jewish Hospital Bottigheimer Auditorium
    Chad Wiesenauer, MD, Assistant Professor, UofL, Dept of Surgery, will present “Pediatric Surgery for the Primary Care Physician.” Learners will recognize the common and uncommon presentations of acute appendicitis and choose the appropriate confirmatory tests; recognize other causes of acute abdominal pain in child and choose the appropriate confirmatory tests; understand the peculiarities of children after congenital surgery (i.e., Hirschsprung’s disease, imperforate anus). CME credit is provided.
    Additional Information: Melissa Garrett, 852-5499 


    Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds

    February 9, 6:45-7:45 a.m., Baxter I Research Building, lower level auditorium
    Join the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery as we welcome Laura K. Jacks, MD, University of Louisville Clinical Instructor and practicing physician at Norton Children’s Orthopedics of Louisville – COOL. Dr. Jacks will lecture on “Pediatric Orthopaedic Problems Commonly Seen by General Orthopaedists.”
    Additional Information: Monica Welsh, 852-6902



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Alicia Kelso, 852-2670, or the Office of Communication & Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    + Submit an announcement

    Alicia Kelso
    Alicia Kelso is the director of social media and digital content. She joined UofL in 2015 as director of communications at the Brandeis School of Law. She also serves as a senior contributor at Forbes.com, writing about the restaurant industry, which she has covered since 2010. Her work has been featured in publications around the world, including NPR, Bloomberg, The Seattle Times, Good Morning America and Franchise Asia Magazine.